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  • gwiseman

    Maintenance - property and machines

    By gwiseman

    Many of us do a lot of maintenance stuff outside our hobby but it may include our hobby equipment too.  Linda and I have 26 acres surrounding our house that requires a lot of maintenance. So, I thought I’d start this blog with a wide scope in mind and cover some of things I do and probably reflect back on things I’ve done too.  Sept 18-19, 2021   Now that I've retired its time to put at least a little emphasis on improving our yard. We live at the bottom of a hill and there is a rock s

Grader Blade

I've been wanting a way to move dirt with my tractors since I got them.  Building a loader isn't in the cards...yet.  Simplicity however made a grader blade for their tractors that by all accounts works pretty well.  I've been meaning to build something for a while anyway and since grader blades are pretty spendy for what they are (300 bucks or so), I decided to build my own! I had an old plow blade laying around the garage that I decided to cut in half for the grader blade. I also wanted to a



Soggy Weekend Repair Job

The heavens opened on Central Missouri this week making it a soggy one. I emptied 1.6" from a Wednesday rain, 5.5" from Saturday rains, and .6" today. I forgot to take a picture of my rain gauge so this from Paul Jeffery, a college fraternity brother and buddy of mine.     No mowing grass or any other tractor work much this week. So I pulled the steering wheel (much easier than I expected), removed the bolts connecting the steering shaft to the steering gear, and pulled the steeri



You must have patience with a variable speed

I'm generally a patient guy, especially when it comes to spending cash. Wasn't always that way but age, raising 2 daughters, and a divorce have contributed to that characteristic. Couple of things I discuss in this entry hinge on my patience. First, I've been looking for a decent 12hp briggs powered fdt since selling my last one, a 3112H, to member ronhruska about 2 yrs ago. On March 1 I decided to contact Jared Olsen aka SimplicitySwede regarding a 3012V package deal he was wanting to sell. We



Worked after work so I can work

Well, nothing went right yesterday, Monday April 17. Our day was crazy at the office, phone calls from the wild side, etc. I checked but I already knew the full moon occurred last week, not this week! Over the years I've seen the pattern and I am a believer that a full moon brings out the wild side. When I got home the day didn't get any better. I enjoy mowing with a 42" deck fdt; especially the longer frame models, so last week I readied the B210 for mowing duties with my rough deck so I can ju



Agri-Fab Utility 10 Carry-all

I am getting a handle on blogging (late is better than never, right?) so bare with me as I cut from the original, paste in new entries, and add more.  I've thought about starting this on a FB post, saying something like: I've ended my life-long search for an Agri-Fab Utility 10 prototype carryall. I read about these "prototype" garden tractors found, one of a kind stuff, modifications like my dad and I would make to farm tractors and equipment to make them work better for us in our particul



Checking back in... and looking forward!

I've enjoyed taking some time off and working on the honey-do list and springtime chores, though both are never-ending.  But, I thought it time to provide an update, since it is rainy, and I'm procrastinating going to the garage to work.  In addition to updating the software with new releases, and monitoring my email for "I can't log in" types of things, I have added a few more things to the site: 1.  In addition to the Leaderboard that came with a recent release of the core software, I've



Goihttps://simpletractors.com/blogs/entry/45-going-to-slow-down-now/ng to slow down now...

Time for another update on this ongoing remodeling project.... 1.  I've gotten the majority of the old content from Simple trACtors republished and integrated into the new site.  The old sections that need to be dealt with still are Operation, Service, Do It Yourself, and the old Gallery.  I've moved some of that content out and put it under Reference Info.  I'm working on more, such as Al Eden's Electrical Troubleshooting info and the Simplicitity Hydraulics Training manual.  There's a few



Another Update on Progress

The long, slow, slog continues.... 1.  I've now edited and republished over half of the old content from Simple trACtors, including all the brochures, flyers and tech specs.  I do need to go back, edit and republish the Price Lists for both the old Simplicity and Allis-Chalmers B-series though. I've also converted all the cross-reference info, and am almost complete with converting all the other reference tables such as What Fits, Belt Reference, etc.  I'll be glad to get all these complex



12/30/16 Making Some Progress

Time for another update... 1. I've added a couple of "cosmetic" type things that I think will improve the overall ease of use, once people get accustomed to them. Basically, I've been "tooling up" for the trudge ahead..... A topic thumbnail for topics in the forums that automatically pull a picture from from a main topic (not a reply) and use it as visual indicator of what the topic is about.  While it doesn't work too well for topics without pictures (I'm using the club logo as a de



Incey's Simplicity 700

Gidday, this is me testing (myself) to see if I can create a blog! My tractor came from a massive but neglected collection covering about 20 acres, of all sorts of farm equipment.  The Simplicity looked very sorry but seems pretty well complete, except for parts of the engine - a Briggs 23D-FB.  I will return to the property now I know what I am missing.  I will be looking for a complete air cleaner, the starter motor and voltage regulator and the wiring.  I need to find out exactly where t



Broadmoor - More Progress

I think I have all the modifications complete to get my new motor in.  After moving the engine around a bit to make the gas tank fit, I realized that the hood was contacting the front shroud of the engine (evidenced by scratches in the paint 😡) Anyway, After looking at the hood a bit, I realized that the front piece (that has the logo) can move a bit forward, and still look "correct."  So, off come the spot welds. Next, I lined the hood back up on the tractor and clamped it in a posit



SnowCab Update

After a couple of storms now, all I can say is the cab is Awesome!  I love being able to be moving snow and pointing the chute any way I need to.  I used to only be able to move the snow in certain directions aligning with the prevailing wind that day.  To do otherwise meant a face full of cold, wet snow.  Think back to your days growing up and getting a whitewash from the neighborhood bully.  Yeah, it was that bad. Anyway, its all installed and working well.  Also, a neat little video of the



12/15/16 One step at a time

Thought I should provide an update on this huge effort... I've been somewhat "distracted by life" with the goings-on of the wildfires in East Tennessee, but I've been able to devote some time to this ongoing task, in addition to "housekeeping" kinds of tasks, responding to emails, messages from the site, etc.  It seems that the initial flurry of members getting signed on here for the first time is over, and most can now get onto the site.   The dues payment processing seems to b



More "Stuff"

Or Junk, as my wife likes to call it.  I've been looking, off and on, for a snow cab for my Sovereign.  My driveway isn't that long, but it faces East/West.  When the wind is blowing, its nearly impossible to keep the snow out of my face.  Its annoying and I'm getting to the point in life where I don't like being cold...In fact I HATE being cold.   Couple of days ago, my Craigslist alert went off, and Viola!  There was a snow cab about an hour away from me.  It looked pretty clean, and the pr



Broadmoor Update...

IT FITS!!! I haven't had much time to work on my Broadmoor project of late.  I kicked finishing the barn into High Gear, so Insulation, walls, and storage have taken priority. Thanksgiving Day, I had a few extra minutes, so I thought I'd try to get the gas tank and engine to fit in the Broadmoor.  When I mocked it up, I didn't have the engine shrouds on.  After the shrouds were installed on the engine, there was 4 inches of space behind the engine (where the gas tank goes) and a gas tank tha



Chugging along...

Following up on my last blog entry, about what was coming next/soon, we're still trudging forward... 1. I've implemented the ability to pay club dues, using both manual (check or money order) and credit card processes.  The old PayPal account that we set up for club dues was set up years ago, when there was a different club treasurer, and different software interfacing with PayPal.  They are being a real PITA, requiring all kinds of documentation (in multiple rounds) in order to reestablish



YouTube Channel

Hello All, just a little announcement here for those of you who don't know that I have a YouTube channel covering Simplicity Garden Tractors be sure to check it out at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChR7RzPuukr1VdbZ3GKlRkQ/featured Thanks for all the support! Have a great Day!



Whats Been Going On?

Hello SimpleTractors community, I'm Elliott and like everyone here, I'm into these old Simplicity's. So, what's been going on lately with my tractors. A not so recent acquisition is a 2000 Sovereign 18 with power steering from a fellow club member on here. After solving a few issues its running good and driving good. As for projects, I've got a System 7010 that's awaiting a restoration. It needs a full paint job as its painted camo right now. Its also missing the rear end and BGB so, if anyone h




This is a test post.  I'm a member over at SimpleTractors.com, which is a website/forum dedicated to Simplicity and Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractors.  The governing body has recently updated the forum software to Invision Power Systems, and that platform supports blogging.  Since I already have one (a blog), I wanted to figure out how to update one location, and have a "feed" set-up so my content will spread!  The new forum supports RSS/Atom, so once I figured out how to get the actual Feed URL of



What's coming next/soon?

Just to describe some of the things in the works, in no particular order: 1.  I'm working with the developer of the Classifieds plug-in we're using to coordinate with the guy who created the Trader Feedback System so that we can integrate feedback in the classifieds.  I've already purchased Trader Feedback, and they're working on how to link the two together.  Though it won't work exactly like eBay, it will allow buyers and sellers to provide feedback to each other, and allow potential buye



Musings - why this change, why now?

On my second cup of early morning coffee, checking and replying to emails, I thought about how I might encourage folks to use this Blog feature.  I think it has real potential to add value and interest to the site, if only folks could be prompted to use it... So, I decided to create my own, just to illustrate how it works... That way, I can address some of the "back story" about what's going on here. To begin with some history and perspective, the underlying Snitz Forums 2000 software



Bringing an old tractor back to New, Part Two

Most of the paint is shiny now, and I've been using her mostly to mow.  The way the weather has been, that's twice a week right now!  Anyway, one night after work, I thought I should mow the grass.  Rain was coming that weekend, and I didn't want to get stuck doing it wet. Went to the barn, hopped on the tractor, and gave it the key a turn.  The engine gave half a revolution, and then nothing.  Any other key manipulations just gave me a click.  That's when I noticed smoke coming from under the



Bringing an old tractor back up to new

I recently purchased a new tractor.  Its a "late model" Simplicity Sovereign 18.  Late model is in quotes, because the darn thing is still 20 years old!  Anyway, its pretty much the ultimate Sovereign Simplicity made...Best engine, most features, etc.  Best thing is that its the power steering model, which is what elevates it to "ultimate" status. Garden tractors changed a bit around the time this machine was produced...They became glorified lawn mowers.  No-one gardens anymore, and for those



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