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Cold tractor-hard starting

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I agree, switch to a lighter oil for winter.Also if the dipstick tube is bouncing while cranking you have a excess of crankcase pressure,NOT normal.Causes could be too thick weight of oil,plugged breather[in behind carb.] or just a bad o-ring that holds the dipstick tube tight in it's holder,or worstly, worn piston rings allowing compression to 'leak down' into crankcase. I'm betting on the too thick oil deal! dlc
My 416H (16 HP kohler) was recently moved to its new home, an unheated 16 x 24 ft shed from a warm basement. It hadn't been started since I sucked up my leaves about 1 month ago. While trying to get her going so I could swap the mowing deck for the blower, I had the damndest time getting the motor started. I finally had to jump the battery with a charger/starter which did get it fired up in short order, but with much fiddling around with throttle/choke settings. I also noticed that the oil dipstick was bouncing in and out of the tube where it sits while I was cranking. This bouncing dipstick stopped after the engine got started. DAMN GREMLINS! Weak battery, operator inexperience with cold tractor (I'm used to getting it started from its old WARM storage spot), frozen valves??? I dunno. Any suggestions on how to prevent this problem in the future? Paul LaFiandra
If you have 30 weight oil in it try using a 5w 30 this is more suitable for cold weather.
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