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Men, mice and tractors


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I don't know about you, but I hate mice. The amount of urine saturated mouse infestation I had to clean out of my B112 rebuild AND it's replacement engine were enough to make me do almost anything to rid them from my barn. To top it off, a few weekends ago I started B to go for a spin around the yard (actually I gave my lawn it's second "Simplicity cut" in January in Massachusetts... what a weird year...the first was in December), so I start B, and what jumps out of the engine compartment a few seconds later? Yup, a #@&% mouse. So I finally broke down and spent $25 at Home Depot for an ultrasonic pest repeller, which even does bugs to boot. So far, I can say, no evidence of mice. (or bugs, and they were out in our 60 degree weather) I still have baited traps out just to measure how this worked, and nothing yet! Spending 25 bucks sure is a hell of a lot better than pulling the engine so the armerature can be cleaned out! Highly recommended. Greg
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What happen'd to that 60 degree weather? He he We have 25 degres here in North Pole AK. We try to forget about the -50 we had last week.:0( Still plowed snow though:0)
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Yessir!! there's nothing like digging out all that mouse pee stinky mess!I found that if you take off the top air deflector on top of the head, pick out the big pieces,then run the machine 1/2 speed,and let the rest of the ca-ca blow out,preferably OUTSIDE PLEASE!,,,then blow into the cavity with an air hose,with the eng. running, it does a pretty good job of cleaning the cavity above the coil.Also don't forget to make sure the shroud around the front of the cylinder is removed and cleaned as well as the air space between the cylinder and the valves.Then call Tabby[cat] in for guard duty! dlc
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Greg, I have used a ultrsonic unit for years and it WORKS! But you need to park the tractor within 10' to 12' of the unit. The cat didn't keep the mice out, but good ole new technology did. I can attest to dlc's method (I didn't bother to remove the top deflector) as a good quick solution but I used a hooked wire between the head fins to help pull the big chunks through. P.S. My tractors have graduated to a rodent proof shed/shop .. nothing but the best. MS
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I've heard that well-placed moth balls can discourage mice from nesting or destroying upholstery (e.g. in a stored auto). The problem may be catching enough moths.
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