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Hydrostat Question - 3415H


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Great forum, folks - some of the most helpful and responsive answers I've seen. I have a 3415H Sovereign #759-03010 that on which it seems that the hydrostat is binding up. It drags and will not go up hills at times. I believe it is the Vickers unit - in/out is on the rear. Is the pump weak or checking out or is fluid bad or belt? Any advice or similar expereinces and solutions would be appreciated. I also have another unit that has been repainted - looks older. The ID is 1691717 002403 or 002405 (last number has a scratch through it). The only other markings are on the rear - "Cast Iron Transmission" & "Limited Slip Differential". Hydrostat in/out is under the seat on the top of the unit. It has a 12 HP Kohler and is not charging - also the ignition completely cuts out after running for several minutes. Is there a fusible link of some type doing this? How can I get more info on the model? Thanks for any and all help.
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If your hill climbing is inconsistent I don't think it is the pump. Check the trans belt tension pivot (clutch) by putting tension on the belt with your hand (tractor NOT running) and make sure it springs back easily and tightens the belt well enough so that you really can't make it tighter yourself. If it is somewhat slack remove the pivot bolt and spacer - clean and lube. Also make sure you are not just loosing traction from tire spin - check both tires or have someone watch. With the Kohler if you have a battery coil (as opposed to solid state ignition) the power for the ignition comes from the battery - if the battery is bad or not charging it may cut out like you say. Start with having the battery charged and load tested. With these the solid state regulator may be at fault. A Kohler single cylinder repair manual is available from any Kohler engine dealer and will tell you how to determine what is the exact problem.
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