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I was just wondering if anyone with a vac set-up has ever tried mounting something that hangs down in front of the deck to help stop blowin the leafs away from the deck.
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I am not sure that would work...I have a commercial mower that blows out pretty bad..It has a plate to loosen and raise/lower as needed..I lowered it the other day and now it acts more like a plow pushing leaves,LOL Maybe I need to fine tune it or something but I doubt I can get it to stop one or the other...
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I use my Agway (murray) for my lawn. If the deck is too high, it blows out, and if it's too low, it will push leaves, like mowerman said. My deck is easy to adjust while sitting on the tractor, so I can find a decent setting that works. You can try running the deck and tractor a little slower (run throttle at 3/4, maybe a slower gear). It might help.
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This black baffle on the front of my mower deck is part of the mulch kit and it has almost eliminated blow out on this tractor. If I take it off and just discharge the clippings out the side I get all kinds of clippings blown back out and on top of the mower deck. I plan on making one like it for my vac system that is on my HB 212. [img] /club2/attach/RayS/vac.JPG[/img]
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They (simplicity) must have made something like that for the deck on my 2210 because what are the square holes for?
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They had at one time a mulch kit available for it. But now you would have to make one or find it on ebay or a dealer that may have NOS.
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I scrapped my original mulch kit on my 42inch deck because it was rusted and falling off the deck.I have since made my own out of a heavy duty plastic curtin that came off a commercial freezer door.Any piece of hard rubber will also work. I drilled holes in the plastic and bolted it right to the front of the deck.It does seem to help the suction on the vaccum but you will have to mount it at the right height in order to improve the operation of the vac system.
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