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Big Ten steering question


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I have my Big 10 disassembled and I'm in the process of replacing the steering shaft and steering gears. Looking at the service manual for B-series tractors it mentions a snap ring and washer, can anyone explain where they go and what there function is ? Also what is the tapered collar with set screw for ? Thanks for any info.
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The snap ring holds the top driver gear onto the top of the concentric bolt. The bolt is loosened by the nut on the bottom and the set screw on the side. This adjustment allows you to move the drive gear in and out from the bigger gear adjusting the backlash or slack in the steering. It works well as long as too much time has not passed and the larger gear has not worn the teeth that are near the center more than the outer teeth. In other words since you tend to counter steer the tractor like a car it tends to wear the teeth closest to the center of the bigger driven gear. By the time you adjust the backlash for the center, it's too tight for the outer teeth and the steering becomes too tight and difficult when turning short. I hope this longwinded explanation helps. Now what was the question??
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