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laziness is the mother of invention


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While trying to fix my lights, I tested everything and narrowed it down to the switch. Not wanting to drain out the gas and remove the tank in order to get my fat hands on the switch, I just unscrewed the knurled nut on the swithch and pulled it through by the wires. Once I had the switch in hand I discovered a badly corroed terminal. Having made the repairs and cleanup, I needed to get the switch back into the hole in the dash behind the gas tank. [:0] No matter what I tried, needle nose, screwdrivers, etc, I couldn't get it back into location. Sitting down at the bench to do some serious bench thinking, I noticed the spool of mechanics wire hanging on the wall. :D I cut off a two foot section of wire, fished it through the dash from the outside, gave it several wraps around the toggle arm, and pulled it right into position. I was able to thread the locating tab and knurled nut over it with the wire still attached so I could maintain pressure on the switch and thread on the knurled nut without the switch falling back into the great abyss behind the gas tank. It wasn't in the service manual, but it worked for this lazy old man!

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