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simplicity 2012 with loader

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I have had several allis chalmers and simplicity tractors during my years of collecting tractors. My best is a B112 that my brother in law has now. I have the oportunity to purchase a landlord 2012 with an allis chalmers loader. I think the loader is a B-1. The tractor is in really good shape and the loader could use a paint job. What would be a fair offer to make? Also any extra information about the loaders would be great. It has the trip bucket, so I assume that you lower the arms while in reverse to reengage the bucket. Am I correct in that? Thanks Stephen
Yes, backing up while lowering the bucket is the manner to latch the bucket. The 2012's are a little odd as there were'nt that many made. Not rare enough fo be any real big diff. as it's the same as many of the rounded hood Simplicities of that time with a 12 HP engine instead of a 10. Runing and in decent shape it should have a value around 300.00 The loader if it's a B-1 is in my oppinion worth as much or more than the loaders w/ powered buckets. They are much less user friendly but their rarity to me makes them popular as restore attachments to someone with a B-i tractor. It would ruin the value if someone were to chop it up and convert it to powered bucket for instance. Still it should be worth 500.00-800.00 I would think. Both of these are to me conservative estimates but remember. I have not seen them and there are lots of things that could be wrong. But almost all the repair parts are still avaliable.
I recommend you don't pay more than $800 for a loader alone on a SimpleTractor, unless you really like wasting money. I've seen loaders alone sell on eBay in the last year from a little below $1000 to asking price of $2300 with the loader. Say you can find a real loader machine (not Simplicity/AC) for $3000, why waste money on a machine which can only breakaway or lift 300lbs? Get something that can safetly do 500lbs has 4WD, can add a backhoe and do some real work. My friend talked me away from buying a 9020 class machine with 2WD with a loader for $1800 just about 2 weeks ago, he said why not wait and get 4wd? Also, don't buy a machine so big you need a CDL to transport; unless you are really in the biz. I've got two friends who bought 12000lbs machines which drive on the local roads between their homes with the slow vehicle symbol because they don't have CDL's. That's my 2cents on that.
Thanks for the information. I already have a powerking with a loader, but it has full hydraulics and plenty of power. I liked the look of this tractor and really thought it would add to my collection. I talked to the man this morning and he said he had to get $700 for the machine. I believe it is a fair price, but think I am going to pass. I thought it would handle about 750# which is what my pk loader lifts, but at only 300# it would be more of a show piece. I am in Westerly RI and if anyone local would like to email me I could hook them up with a contact. svonhousencoxnet put between- sen@cox and cox.net Thanks for the info. Stephen Now I have to go out and work on my "new" 3415. It needs a lot of tlc to really be nice, but the simplicity cut is second to none.
IMO, the value of these is more in their "collector value" instead of the amount of work they'll do... However, at $700 if the loader works, it is a good price, IMO. I've seen the loaders alone bring that much. BTW, there's more info all the old loaders here, except for the L112 which is essentially the same as an L-12. http://simpletractors.com/Main/b_attachments.htm Kent
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