plastikosmd Posted May 29, 2005 Posted May 29, 2005 Well, after a good bit of scrubbing, sanding and grinding, I repainted my 2 B12s, one was found in a field, other was (one with simplicity rear) was owned buy Reed then Daddycat now me, loader was added. The B12 with the stack, my first one is the one with the homelite repower....has tapered front CI rating on may be a 16hp by the way it hauls. Anway..for link go to my website..follow link to projects and listed there are B12 one and two, new pics are at bottom. scott
Roy Posted May 29, 2005 Posted May 29, 2005 Scott, Nice tractors but what I love is your shop! With all those toys (machines) you should be able to do anything you desire.
D-17_Dave Posted May 29, 2005 Posted May 29, 2005 Nice outfit Scott. I'm jelous of that shop. But I'm with Roy. There's nothing you shouldn't be able to do there.
Chris727 Posted May 29, 2005 Posted May 29, 2005 Nice machines. What kind of front blade were you using on it?
plastikosmd Posted May 30, 2005 Author Posted May 30, 2005 thanks guys! the shop is a lot of fun. as far as the front blade, i have no idea, got it with the 1st b12, and the man that dragged the tractor out of the junk pile dragged that out also. I welded up a bracket so it could bolt to the custom bumper that someone made. Then took a front plow frame, narrowed and shorten it to fit. Followed that up with a monarch pump that bolts directly to mid pto ( just required me to drill one hole). Setup works well, but prob need to put rear weight, that plow at least 90 lbs, hanging that far foreward is heavy. would like to put a 46 dozer on it for next winter, but if i dont find, will use same setup, now with loader, I should be set! scott
johnmonkey Posted May 30, 2005 Posted May 30, 2005 Great work. I have a 9" South Bend with a 4' bed. I also have a Burke milling machine, both with lots of tooling. JH
KVANDY12 Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Nice shop and machines to work with. Like the tractors also, But are you going to paint the mower deck to match the yeller on than yeller tractors?
plastikosmd Posted June 2, 2005 Author Posted June 2, 2005 thanks for the kind comments, if anyone is in the area and needs to use shop let me know! as far as the mower deck, even with just a cosmetic rebuild on the machines the time it took along with the way the grass is growing i will probably wait until the fall. here is a pic of the loader at work. I dont know what this thing weighs but i had all i could do to lift it with one hand ;) It is a beam setup that is going into metal shop, legs are removed and it is on casters (not shown) it is used with chain hoist for lifting, and is very well made and VERY heavy. Left a heck of a dent in lawn when it came time to set it down.
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