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Can you identify this? Cant seem to find any info

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Can any of you identify the rear engine rider behind the terra tiger and to the right of the walkbehind snow thrower. My friend found me the remains of one, I tried attaching the pic, said its too large. Do any of you have one of these?
Originally posted by AC808
Can any of you identify the rear engine rider behind the terra tiger and to the right of the walkbehind snow thrower. My friend found me the remains of one, I tried attaching the pic, said its too large. Do any of you have one of these?
Did you happen to forget a photo?. Details.:D
Resize the photo to 640x480 and it will come up.
DUH...i guess i shouhld have mentioned that the pic im refering to is the one at the beginning of the AC info page (on the Simpletractors home page). Ill try to resize the pic of the one my buddy sent me.
No, its not a scamp...and i cant resize the pic to post either...UGH
Im not sure what that is.Dont think i ever saw one like that before.Tony
This is the pic im reffering to. My friend found one and emailed me a pic. Im having trouble resizing it to post it. UGH. Yes, you see the one im refering to, does it have a name?
I believe it's a Mowbee. Parts Manual: http://www.simplicitytechpubs.com/6767PRINT/PDF_files/TP_400_3780_00_XX_A.pdf
To display any picture that is on this site you do not need to copy picture and re-upload to site. Right click on the picture. Click on properties. Highlight the URL address. Right click on highlighted URL address. Click on copy. Create img brackets in reply box [ img ][ /img ] (without the spaces). Paste the URL address between the brackets. This is what it should look like (without the spaces). [ url ]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/ac_product_line.jpg[ /img ] This is the result your post will look like [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/ac_product_line.jpg[/img]
Sorry maynard,I see why alot of people put up link to there pics.Alot less work.I edit my post and took the pic out.What is the paper clip used for then?I do it just like the post above How to Upload pic to a post.May want to update it again since that doing it wrong.Just wondering.Not trying to start anything just asking.Tony
Tony The paper clip is for when you want to upload a picture that is not already here.(or on the internet) If a picture is already posted on the site or any other site on the internet all you have to do to post it again is copy the URL address and post it. You do not have to copy the picture to your computer then upload it to the site again.
The "paperclip" icon [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/images/icon_paperclip.gif[/img] is to upload a picture from your computer so that it will display. The "picture" icon [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/images/icon_editor_image.gif[/img] is to put in the URL address of a picture that's already stored on the internet somewhere -- it inserts the IMG tags that Maynard describes. In this case, there was no need to upload the picture -- it's already stored on the server for use on Simple trACtors.... If using the tags is a bit confusing, or you're not sure, you can change the Format Mode on the New Topic form or the New Reply form (but not in the Quick Reply box at the bottom of the screen) from Basic to either Help or Prompt. Help will tell you how to manually put in the appropriate tags to display what you want, while Prompt will take you through it step-by-step as it does it for you...
Ok That makes since thanks Tony
Kent, Thanks for explaining the "picture" icon. Haven't seen that anywhere before, always used the "paperclip" icon. I think your "picture" explanation should be added as a "sticky" to the top of both the "show and tell" and "eBay" forums. If I could make a sticky, I'd try to do it myself.
what i was trying to do was upload a pic from my computer that was 600x480 but was for some reason was a whopping 107k in size..
Jay, Go to Resources, Links, Miscellaneous, Irfanview and download that software. I usually set the colors to 16, then size to 640x480 and the pictures paste fine. Once in a while a picture will still be too large, so I change the dots/inch to make it a little smaller. Normally don't have much trouble with my pictures, since Maynard taught me how.
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