Al Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Hi, Some people came in a couple of weeks ago and wanted to buy a zero turn. Their friends tell them this is the only way to mow. I told them if they had never mowed with one, I didn't want to sell them one unless they tried it on their yard, which is large and part of which is very rough and hilly. I explained that ZTs aren't for everyone and that the tractors with the roller deck do a better job of mowing overall than the ZTs. The tractors mow steep banks much better and than ZTs and on the rough ground the tractors ride better than the ZTs even with the suspension. If you have a lot of things to mow around and not too steep of banks, the ZTs can cut a lot of time off mowing. If you are mowing a large open area where you are mowing around a rectangle to keep throwing the grass on the unmowed grass, a tractor is not that much slower. However our policy is that if you have never mowed with a ZT you need to run it for at least an hour or 2 before making a decision. We leave them so we aren't standing watching while they are getting the initial over corrections smoothed out etc. We think this is much better than selling it to them and then 2 days later taking it back. We don't want anybody stuck with a mower from us they don't like immediately after they get it. We would rather have it here and find them what makes them happy. Otherwise they will never help us when their neighbors are in the market. We are in a small midwestern town of 4000 and have survived for 28 years here with our policies. Anyway I took this mower out and left it over the week end. They called today and said on the rough ground it killed their backs and it wasn't what they thought it would be. Tonite I went out and picked it up after we closed. When I got there there were 3 huge Rotwielers and a little dog. The "Rotties" came running to me, but didn't seem very threatening. The lady was yelling at the little dog. She said I am not worried about the "Rotties", but watch the little one. I did and the largest "Rottie" jumped up on me with his paws on my shoulders and tried to lick my face and then he peed on my leg and my pants from the knee down, sock and shoe were soaked. I loaded the mower and left. I was afraid to stop anywhere on the way home for fear, I would attract every stray dog around. What you don't have to put up with to try to sell a mower. Al Eden
dirtsaver Posted May 31, 2005 Posted May 31, 2005 Al being in the service dept. and having way too many years as a local haul driver I get elected to make a lot of our deliveries for new and used mowers and tractors. I've had the same thing happen several times. Guess it goes with the territory! And when I get home there's he** to pay from my own two Brittanys!.
dlcentral Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 Now you have a used mower full o' doggy doo! not pleasent.If folks cant control their pets,what can they control,,
Tacey Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 That extra mile of Service will get you sales that the big box stores will never get. Many times the customer does not appreciate the extra effort, though. I have worked in retail sales for much of my adult life, 35 years and Tacey
wasmeneh Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 Al, I hope they bought something from you with all you effort. Mike
PhanDad Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 Al, I too hope to hear you sold them a mower; they owe you that. However I was thinking the end of your story was going to be: ... got there was a new Yellow (or Green) from HD (or Lowes or Walmart) sitting next to my ZT! That would have been worse!
Simplicity314 Posted June 1, 2005 Posted June 1, 2005 I thought the ending would be picking up a ruined machine after the potential customer rolled it over on the side of a bank.
KVANDY12 Posted June 2, 2005 Posted June 2, 2005 Al, the dog was just marking his territary, you now belong to the dog. I like your policys for selling. Hope something come of your extra effort.
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