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FABRICATE! Dual Wheels going for $$$

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I say fabricate. I just called Logan Steel in Connecticut and told to talk to "Dave Saunders" in their "Newly opened fabrication department". I am still going to buy a set from a fellow club member because I said I was and I stick to my plans... but I am definitely going to stop in Meriden CT to talk to them about fabricating. If I don't use them for duals, I am sure over time I'll need some other fabricating... maybe a fork lift? If anyone has any more pictures and plans on how to build these, please let me know. We're talking two pipes, four flanges, weld, grind and paint... (of course we need tools.) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=7519035365&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1
Not only that, but this seller says that the two parts are different. Is that true - as far as I know, there is only one part number for the spacer if you look in a parts listing. Are those really Simplicity parts he is selling then?
One part number for one set left and right. Yes they are different because of the limited slip hub on the right side and he explained that in his post.
my parts book for the b110 b112 and hb112 only give 1 number for the dual wheel adaptors # 2025690 jj
I would guess you are right. PartSmart(which I don't ever fully trust), does only show a quantity of one for the part 154377, which is the adapter. However, my mistrust comes in the fact that it also shows the quantity for the wheels,studs and nuts to be one also, which is obviously incorrect. My old paper parts lists for the duals only gives the reference letter, part number and description, no quantity. No help with that either. I actually have two different old original parts list for the dual kits. I have only ever seen one dual set in person, and they were mounted on a tractor, so details were hard to see. That was my origin of concern. For the kind of money those are going for, I would want those studs and wheels to be with them too! I agree with Michaelg221 - if I had a set to copy, I could make a set to use. Tim
So if you were going to have a contest and compare restorations of tractors, would you fault a tractor because it didn't have the original dual wheel spacers with the right part number? :) The seller is going to laugh all the way to the bank! If you've been watching eBay, this is the second set he's selling! The last set went for $285.
Its not rocket science. I was makeing wheel spacers to put duel wheels on 1/2, 3/4 and 1 ton pickups 30 years ago.

Maynard, thank you as always. There are a few fine details I'd like to get about the original spacers; first did they thread one side so you use the same "lug bolts" (not sure if that's a correct term) on the outside wheel? I don't understand what the difference is in the pipes, heard you can switch the bolts to "allen set" type screws, so don't know if you need that. Those last few small differences are what I'm looking for. I am wondering about this because I can't figure out the order and how you mount these. Ideas? Experience, knowledge of this, Anyone?

Inside you use studs and lug nuts out side is threaded and you use the original stud bolts.
If I were told that I was looking at a "restored" tractor, I would expect the parts to be accurately refinished originals, or NOS parts. Now, I would be happy with a "pretty accurate" self made set to use on an every day type tractor. But, if the money allowed it, I would want a true factory set for a tractor that was either a survivor original, or a real restoration. I still wonder why Simplicity would have a specific left and right spacer, because the one made to clear the diff side should work on the flange side. You would think that there would be a different part number for each side due to the difference. Oh well, guess I'll still keep my eyes open for some - ya never know. If I ever get my 9hp Landlord going, I might have to make a set just play. Tim
I have seen them for sale on CC sites for $125 for the spacers and mounting hardware. They are available for 6/12 23x8.50 and 10.50 tires your choice. A friend of my has a set with original studs that I am trying to get for my B1. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!!,Matt8D
Hi matt, if you see those on sale on the CC sites or you can refer us to the CC sites, please do! Thanks. Michael G.
Originally posted by Killer_A-C
I have seen them for sale on CC sites for $125 for the spacers and mounting hardware. They are available for 6/12 23x8.50 and 10.50 tires your choice. A friend of my has a set with original studs that I am trying to get for my B1. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!!!,Matt8D
[img]http://ccspecialties.org/pics/spacers.jpg[/img] Dual Wheel Spacers Price includes Studs Standard sizes for 6", 8", 10.50", and 12" tires, or custom ordered "Shipped direct, 3 week delivery" Available in white or unpainted $145.00 [img]http://ccspecialties.org/pics/wheelstuds.jpg[/img] Dual Wheel Spacer Studs with Nuts $49.00 [url]http://ccspecialties.org/restfenderswheels.html[/url]
Maynard, Thanks! Has anyone purchased these for their SimpleTractor, if so... were there any mounting problems; i.e. did you need to space out the dual wheel adapter over the locking hub? etc. Again, thanks all.
I would like to see the other side of those spacers - even if they are capped off like the top in the picture, you should be able to bore it so that it will fit over our axles. Tim
Go get a fab's estimate on doing these 150 will be cheap believe me,,thanks for the tip as I am now raising my price to 150. That'll keep all the tire kickers away,,
Originally posted by TimJr
I still wonder why Simplicity would have a specific left and right spacer, because the one made to clear the diff side should work on the flange side. You would think that there would be a different part number for each side due to the difference.
I have a set of originals and I can tell you that I had to take out the diff bolts, they are the same size all a round. Elon
Elon I think what would explain that is an original set made for the B-1, B-10, Big10, B-12, B-110 prior to S/N 68017, B-112 prior to S/N 15428 that used the lug bolts for traction control would have the enlarged center and a set made for the newer B-110 Eff. W/S/N 68017 and up, B-112 prior to S/N 15428 and up, HB-112, B-212 & HB-212 and corresponding Simplicity models That used set screws in the traction control would have the smaller center holes. The set you have I believe came off from the newer style. If yours are yellow and you got them where I think you did they came off from an HB-212. The reasoning behind why one side would have a larger recess than the other and why the newer ones would have the smaller center could be explained by cost cutting. With only one side needing the larger center by only machining one side cut one operation on half the pieces cut the cost by that much. the same with the newer style not needing the larger center no extra machine work required. This one saved step could have saved thousands of dollars.
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