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Had mine take a dump,:(! had been working great. so had a used spare from ebay, put it on worked good for a time, now will not hold the lock to make it run, hits and release. The question is can they be repaired or not? The original almost fell out of the metal when I turned it over.[:0]:(!
I guess it depends on exactly what is wrong with yours. If it is the coil, I think they can be rewound. I need a few parts to repair one of mine but have not been able to find individual repair parts other than the bearing. I would be interested in parts from your old clutch if they are the ones I need.
If this is a elect. clutch you may want to check all the connections for corrosion and tightness. My Sunstar threw a fit a couple of years ago and that is what I found to be the cause. In fact I had to rewire the ground side and remove the ground wire from the black box (saftey interlock module) to get mine to work. Mine started giving problems originally when I would try to engage either front or rear pto with the headlights on. The clutch would disengage as soon as you turned the lights on.
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