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Pulling 23D (Update)

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The good news: I got the carb linkage apart and carb off no problem--Thanks Kent! Went to unbolt the nose/grille so I can slide engine out the front, and noticed a crack in it. Now I can't get the set screw off the front pulley:(! to bring it to get welded. Screwdrivers were distorting the slot, so I put heat on it and that only made it softer!:(!:(!:(! Now I'll have to drill it out, since an easy-out will only tear it apart, no doubt.:(!. Hopefully I can get to it tomorrow afternoon. Since I pulled the s/g for bench testing and I need a new vr, I will have all the wires off so I figure this will be a good time to pull the engine and remove the covers and clean it as well as inspect the flywheel key. My question is, how do I go about removing the linkage for the carb??? It's completely different from the alluminum v-shafts in my eyes--a simple angling of the throttle wire and it unhooks from the linkage on those. I really would rather not mess with those little nuts on the threaded shafts with my limited experience if I don't have to--I can see what will happen a mile away! Is it possible to leave everything on the carb, unbolt it and wire it out of the way? Can I remove the bolt from that small lever at the end of the throttle cable without anything like a nut on the other side falling into the crankcase??? Or is it even necessary. I tried a search, but everything that returned was on adjusting the governor. Thanks in advance. --Jim
DO NOT remove those little nuts you talk about -- those are the adjustment settings for the governor, and they're not to be messed with generally. Instead, to remove the carb, unbolt the carb (or carb and intake) and remove them, leaving the linkage on the engine block. Once you've unbolted the carb, you can wiggle it and get the "wire linkage rods" out of carb throttle linkage. As far as the choke linkage, unscrew the bracket that clamps the choke cable on the carb, and you can remove the bent end similar to what you describe for the aluminum block engines... Here's a pic of a 10HP, but the linkage is similar, though the intake and carb are a bit different... [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/243431/pg5_pic1.jpg[/img] If all you want to do is disconnect the throttle cable to remove the engine, if it's like the 10HP ones, you loosen the bracket that holds the cable, and wiggle the cable to remove the bent end of it from the governor linkage rod... There should be a flat spot on that linkage rod, with a small hole that the bent end of the cable goes through, similar to how the picture on the left shows, below: [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/243431/pg5_pic2.jpg[/img]
Oh ok. so it is simpler than I thought. When I looked at the bend in the throttle cable, it looked like there would not be enough clearance to angle the cable properly to free it (which is why I asked about removing that little arm it attaches to from the block. Thanks Kent! p.s. The choke cable hasn't been attached since I've owned the tractor, so that isn't an issue!
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