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I friend of mine just called. He has a Simplicity 7117 hydro with hydro lift. He said he just blew the engine on it. He asked if I was interested in buying and was wondering what would be a fair price. It is in very good condition, comes with a 48" deck, snow blower and grader blade. As for why the engine went out? He said he checked the oil in it last week and it was okay. But when it happened he said he was mowing the ditch area, which is a prety steep incline. Anyway I want to let him know about how much its worth, and base my offer to him on that. I know it always hard to put a "what is it worth" on it but, I'm more familiar with FDT than the RBT. And I want to be honest with him and not just get it as cheap as possible.
Tom Deutsch
Everybody will tell you price is subjective -- and it definitely is! Location, time of year, scarcity of this machine and how crazy the buyer is all play big parts in any sale! That said... With a good running engine, good deck, blade and snowblower, it would be worth somewhere in the region of $1100 (depending on ...everything of course). But with a blown engine (and therefore no way for a buyer to test anything but the seat and the lights) I wouldn't know what to offer. If you really trusted this person, you could just deduct the price of an engine rebuild or a repower plus a little more for the inconvenience and uncertainty. It's just parts until it works!
The implememnts are worth more than the tractor split up and sold in different times of the year. All I can give you an idea on is what the package would bring on average this time of year at auction in west central Illinois.... and from what I've seen that package( tractor with blown engine) would probably fetch $350 to $550 or so.
Mark tell your friend for 10 bucks he can join this site and get it fixed and enjoy it for another 20 years.
Thanks for for the advice. I was thinking of offering him $400 for it, that is if I can come up with the cash. As for him, he will stick with Simplicity's, in fact he has already looked at the Prestige, he's just not interested in the "older" machines.
I just put a hydrolift on my AC716H. I have around $200 invested in the lift installation, and I bought the cylinder and control valve at very good prices. Tractor without lift or engine is worth $150-$200 depending on rust and dents, etc. I think your offer is very reasonable. If it were me, I would probably start the negotiations more around $250 and then work up toward the $400 mark. Depends on how close a friend he is and your feelings about what you think is a reasonable price.
Mower deck is worth $200.00 to $250.00. Blade and hitch $125.00. Snow blower $300.00. A motor on e-bay $300.00 to $500.00 for 16 HP. So at $300.00 to $400.00 for it seems like a bargain down here in S.C.
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