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I have a professional spraying my lawn this summer and He just today did the second of four treatments. He left me a note to raise my mower deck, but I think I have the deck set as high as it can go without raising it with the lift. I am looking for instructions on how to adjust the deck and how high does the deck actually cut, when not being raised by the lift. Right now I have about 2.5 inches from the sides of the deck to the ground. If the deck does not go much higher what options do I have? Can the deck be modified some way? I am no welder so bolt on modifications would be prefered. Thanks everyone,
These decks are suppose to cut with a maximum height of 3 inches and everything has to be perfect. The rollers get smaller outside diameter over time causing you to lose height. Also the inside diameter of the rollers gets larger and the rod that the rollers are mounted on will get smaller over time causing you to lose height of cut. Also check the air pressure in your tires. The diameter of the rollers are 2 1/2 inches if they are smaller than that thats were you are losing your height. These decks on the older tractors do a excellent job of striping but they should have redesigned somethings to get more height out of them. My prestige will cut at 3 3/4 inches max.
what deck are you using? some of the old deck can be modified. JJ
I that deck number 1690273 off of a Broodmoor 6011 or an 811 GT. I have the the same problem. I don't think it is the rollers but maybe the way the deck mounts is causing my problems. If I lower the deck on even ground I might as well be cutting sod. On the high setting it cuts about 2 and a half maybe three. Cuts good but I guess I could just not lower the deck and level it there but that changes all the angles on my PTO belt. I know some people have these late model mowers out there. It cuts great but I would like the extra leeway to cut higher. AND, WITH AN EIGHT H.P. ENGINE IT DOESN'T EVEN HESITATE. I LOVE IT THOUGHT!
Oops, I meant to mention that it a 48" deck on a 7117H. I don't know the model # off the top of my head. I thought one time some posted longer adjustments rods(plates)? that are beside the ajustment screws.
Check the hull where the mounts attach to the deck. Sometimes the stress causes the bolt holes to cone and crack. Then hole assembly starts losening and sagging abd will eventually crackand need welded. This can easily be fixed by pounding the holes flat, reinforcing with steel if possible or large washers and tighten everything up. This will pick the deck up a 1/2" or more maybe. Lube all the slides and pivots good. Simplicity decks cut really good when correctly set up.
I havn't seen any cracks in the deck. I am currently thinking like rays that the deck should somehow go higher than 3 inches. When measuring on the side and front of the deck and being 2.5 inches off my concrete floor, I figure that pretty well maxed out as the blade would up in the deck little bit, the rollers most likely are worn some.
My experience with the SAME deck is that you can't cut higher than about 2-3/4"-3". However, it is very important to make sure that the rollers are in good shape and that your tires are properly inflated. Also, make sure that the deck is properly leveled from FRONT TO BACK. I think that the front of the front blade needs to be 1/4" higher than the back of the back blades to cut properly. Read your instructions to make this adjustment...but it is crucial for good cutting. One problem that I have with mine is that I can never get it PERFECTLY level from side to side. It's always off by about 1/4" no matter what I do. It's ok and everything looks good, but I would really like to be able to zero it in better.
I finally found the bracket that i wanted to show . it is one of the brackets that controls the rollers. there are two. i went about and inch about the bolt that is welded to it and drill a hole the same size of the bolt. and the i ground off the old bolt . then i used another bolt in the hole that i had drilled with a nut. this will give you about another inch to raise the deck. JJ[img]/club2/attach/jj marshall/deck brackets 003.jpg[/img]
Sounds like we are on the same page except I made mine and I made a jig to hold the deck the same height as if it was on the tractor. Then I reajusted the deck so I had the back tips of the blades at 4" and the front of the blades at 4-1/4" . I checked the side to side to be the same . Then I put the deck on the tractor and I can mow level and as high as needed. I mow at about 3 -1/2 to 3-3/4 "
ROGER. How about a picture of that jig. sound like it would be easyer to adjust on a jig. JJ
Originally posted by JJ MARSHALL
I finally found the bracket that i wanted to show . it is one of the brackets that controls the rollers. there are two. i went about and inch about the bolt that is welded to it and drill a hole the same size of the bolt. and the i ground off the old bolt . then i used another bolt in the hole that i had drilled with a nut. this will give you about another inch to raise the deck. JJ[img]/club2/attach/jj marshall/deck brackets 003.jpg[/img]
That is exactly what I did on my 64 Landlord about 3 years ago..only problem I had was setting the deck too high and going over some uneven ground..The deck would come up and hit the PTO pulley..
hufhouse - have you tried adjusting the left and right yokes on the front of the bail differently to get the deck leveled left to right?
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