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A friend gave me a Broadmoor 728 with the mower deck attachment. The tractor is in excellent condition. I need to clean out the carb and get rid of gas that may be several years old. While looking over the 8hp Briggs & Stratton engine (191700) I noticed a couple of springs that are stretched and rigged up in a fashion that does not look original. Any tips on where I could get some pictures or diagrams for how this should look when properly assembled? Should I just buy the CE8069 (Antique) repair manual from Briggs? One more question, am I missing something or does the Simplicity owners manual give any tips on how to properly remove the mower deck? I can't find this anywhere. I'm sure I'll figure it out when I take a good look but I thought this would be in the owners manual.
Try this for a parts break down on the engine manual http://shop.briggsandstratton.com/BShopProductListingPage.asp?rsvp=0&PARENTID=0&SessionID=43C7B3A0-6A44-4EB2-B2CC-23B437198A68&MECID=100&CATALOGID=56B2B9A7-283C-11D4-8886-00B0D0203414 .
Thanks Ray. I downloaded the IPL the other day. Kind of a busy diagram. I guess I need a repair manual like a Chilton or Haynes. If anyone can recommend a good repair manual for the B&S 8hp model 191700, I would appreciate it.
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