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unidentified plow

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Hi guys. I was recently given this plow. I don't know what it is for or who made it. I'm assuming its for some type of walking tractor. Its very small. I think its only a 5 or 6 inch plow. No coulter. Anyone recognize it?

Part of the plow was broken and welded.

Thanks! Chris
I've seen a few of the miniature plows this size. Never one configured like this. It looks more cut off of something else and fabricated to this new mount for some other type of tractor. To me it's obviously home made but very simple and useable.
I don't think its homemade, the whole plow appears to be stock except for where the plow beam was broken and welded, both the plow bottom and the beam all appear to have had the same paint from factory. I guess I'm mainly wondering what this type of hitch was meant to attach to. Could it be early style bradley, choremaster,I'm not too familiar with walkers. Thanks. Chris
It looks like a david bradley. Here's a pic (maybe)
Figures. One try and I already had it. :(!:(!:(! here's a link instead http://members.lsol.net/GOP4EVR/dbpics/image28.jpg
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