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I have a B & S model 23 D in a Landloard. I called today to check on some parts I was told I needed to give more number info than 23 D. I read the type # info I was told that was not what they needed. When I got home I rechecked the aluminum name plate on the side of the cylinder and there is no more info. 23 D is it. Any ideas?
You likely have a dealer that doesn't understand that you have an antique engine that pre-dates the Briggs numbering system that came into effect later... the 9 HP cast-iron engines like you have were the last to use this model number. The 10HP engines started using a 6-digit model number that shows cubic inch displacement and other info, i.e. 243431. Here's a link to substantiate this model number scheme... http://edgeta.org/oldsite/tekdata.htm
I used Jacks Small Engines from the club site. Can you recomend someone who can help with replacement parts?
Originally posted by swolf
I used Jacks Small Engines from the club site. Can you recomend someone who can help with replacement parts?
Al (club member) Eden @ Edens Ltd. He will talk to you on the phone during business hrs or answer emails at night and can get you those hard to find parts for a 23d. ^http://www.repowereng.com/repowereng/contact_us.htm
I will give them a try tomorrow. Thanks.
If you think getting a parts guru with a computer or a fiche to find a 23D is difficult, try asking about parts for a Briggs ZZ, or a Briggs N, or.....any kind of Clinton. I restored a ZZ last year, and found another with a broken rod. Looking through a pile of rods in a local parts store is on the horizon for that engine, may actually have to cast and machine my own. Briggs still lists the 23D in its paper catalogs, as far as I can tell from the parts stores, it is not in their computers. The antique engine fiche starts at an even earlier age than the 23D's. I prefer walking in a store and talking to the counter people to buying online, never know what you might find while there. I found a ZZ with a broken rod.....and a good mag. I needed a mag. Ebay said $187 plus freight. I got the whole engine simply because I was the first person to ask if they would sell it.
I'm in So. Cal. and doing stuff like this can be hard for us. It would take a coulple hours of driving to get to the kind of neat stuff you guys seem to find. I go to my In-Laws in MI. and have a lot of fun getting to see and talk to people who do this kind of thing. Finding a ZZ rod sounds like a great adventure. That is the kind of I have to turn to the intenet for. I would love to see a picture of that motor if have one to post.
I think some new parts are still available. I am going to rebuild a model 23D. Try to contact club member BLT. He can email you a parts list for that engine.
23D parts are certainly available! I asked my local parts store the other day about a set of chrome rings for mine, he asked if I wanted Briggs or aftermarket...meaning he has or can get both! Some parts are interchangeable, such as rings, and a decent small parts shop can mike the bore or the piston and get a set of rings from the size. Gaskets are easy, and if certain ones can't be found easily, such as the pan and cover gaskets, they can be made from Garlock material, or use RTV in their place. I prefer to make mine, hate RTV. Points and condensors are still on the shelf for a lot of parts stores, as are other parts such as seals and head gaskets. Carb parts are still there too, if you know what you are looking for. Damn the part numbers on some things! The engine was used on a variety of toys, try contacting a construction rental store, such as RSC or United, find out where they get their parts. Not the net, I assure you! Winter is coming, and my Landlord will have a 'new' engine next spring. If you can wait that long, I'll give you information as to what and where to find what you'll need. As for a pic of the ZZ, I haven't one as yet, but need to take and post a few pics of the homebuilt it is on. I use my toys, and if they can't earn their keep, get rid of them! The ZZ cranks on the first pull, something it probably didn't do when it was new. BTW, best info I can find on the ZZ engine is it was built for Uncle Sam during WW2, discontinued shortly after. The mag is under the flywheel, instead of outside, came complete with Uncle Sam's OD paint, and moisture resistant spark plug, was used on anything the Armed Forces needed a portable unit for. The one on the tractor(running) is off a generator, the one with the broken rod was on a waterpump. I don't have either of the accessories, but am still looking, for the heck of it!
Oh, and by the way, I am in north Alabama, and many of the toys available to those folks up north are unavailable here, as well.
Steve, If you want a parts list send me an email.
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