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new mower causes lack of rain

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I dont know what the weather is like everywhere else, but it has been really dry here in VA. I buy a new Conquest and it stops raining. I havent mowed the yard in a few weeks, and then only to knock down the thistles and weeds. Last year it rained every week. We have been getting some thunderstorms this week, but it'll take a while for the yard to bounce back. I bet if I buy a blade for the conquest it wont snow all winter, hmmmm that isnt a bad idea. ddh
We've had the opposite where I'm at. Rain, rain, and then more rain. Fields are drowned out. Yard's a mess, and I can't use the excuse of having bought a new tractor. Couldn't even plant a garden this year because of all the rain. If it were at all possible I'd send some of this over to the dry areas...not my call though. Gord
Same here in NC. We're about 6" below average. Things are bound to change the next few days with the tropical storm remnants headed this way.
Here in Northern Illinois we are around 8" below normal and not much in sight. We did have a cloudy and rainy 4th but did not help much. Few complained as we needed the rain so much. Towns are starting to ask residents to not water lawns. I had the lawn mower out just over week ago to knock down some weeds, I was just a big dust cloud.
Been raining here about once per week, or just enough to keep the grass going. I cut mine about every other week.
We are very dry here near St.Louis MO. Not going to be a good year for the garden. I haven't mowed the grass for weeks and there is no rain in sight.
Hmmmm..there's got to be something somewhere in the yard that needs to be pulled somewhere else. What about moles? Maybe a roller is in order to flatten out all those mole hills? It's not important what you do with your tractor, only that you're doing something--anything-- with it!
I bought a cab and blower for my Conquest last summer and only used it once last winter for a grand total of 5 minutes....
314, I am fixing my sprinkler system,then I will have lawn to mow, and I have a well so I don't have any watering bans.
In north Alabama, we are still about 6 " behind, though it has rained a bit last week. June was basically a dry month Rained after the last tropical storm, then stopped. Grass is growing slowly, garden has to have water or... I fixed the dry Saturday, washed two cars and watered a flower bed! Rained Sunday..maybe you folks in the driest spots might try that??
In the panhandle of Nebraska we have had the wettest spring in the last 5 years. Hopefully this signals the end of a long long draught. Still, have only cut grass twice this year. Continue to have well problems and can't use the UGS system. Dan
3/10 on the 4th of July and about a half inch in hole month of June. All thats growing is a "buckhorn weed". Good luck on your new mower hope you get to use it soon. Look at it this way, next year you can say it one year old and still BRAND NEW.
Dwayne, Stop keeping it in the garage. You have to park the new machine "outside". Then it will surely get rained on. LOL
We got 3-5" of rain from the tropical storm last Thursday. Greened everything up real nice. It was so dry though that there wasnt any mud puddles standing around. Ground just soaked it all up. Might get a little more when Dennis goes through, although it looks like it will go to the west of us. I usually use Granny my little 3212 to mash moles. She has tractor lug tires that are full of fluid. Does a real good job mashing moles. I'll probably have to mow this week. Sounds like almost everyone is very dry. Ive been catching the water coming out of the A/C drain tube to keep my tomatoes happy. They seem to like the hot dry weather. You guys down in Ala. and Fla. be careful. Looks like your in for a rough ride. ddh
We havent had rain here for ages either. The dust is terrible, and the grass is pretty well stopped growing. I havent had to cut it for ages, which is good, because i don't have anything to cut with right now:) We need the rain real badly right now.
On the bright side of all this drought stuff, I dont have to pay 2.50 a gallon for gas to mow the yard with ;-}. I imagine hurricane Dennis will help some of us with the dry weather. And according to NOAA theres another coming right behind Dennis. Gonna be real interesting in the Gulf and in Fla. Dont think I would like to live somewhere that has Hurricane evacuation routes posted everywhere, although I do like the beach and the ocean, I really enjoy looking at all these little mountains. ddh ddh
Here in Greer S.C. it seems we get rain 2-3 times per week. According to the newspaper we are 5" ahead of normal for the year. Have to cut the grass every week, it 4-5" tall in a week. But would rather have the rain than be dry. Blueberrys are the size of quarters. Well maybe the size of a nickel. Been gone a week to the beach, good to be back and talking to all ya all again.
New Plan, the farmers really need the rain. So off with the mower deck, put the front blade on to push dirt. How unprepared can I get with mowing?
The only day I dont want it to rain and it does. I took the day off to take my sun to the park. All well, take it when you can get it. I'll probably go to the park anyway. Yard is starting to green up and grass is growing. Maybe all I needed to do was complain a little. ddh
I'm glad you got that tractor. Wednesday night we had a real "gully washer", and last night we had two good rains. I appreciate what you have done for the state of Virginia. Thanks Dwayne!
Always glad to help. I actually washed and waxed last week trying to lure the rain in. I guess the last couple of years made me forget how bad the previous drought was. Im planning on buying a snowplow for it later. Hard to tell what will happen then. It'll probably rain here this afternoon. Im planning on going to the Bridgewater Carnival to look at the antique gas and steam engines. They have some pretty nice tractors and I really like the old steamies. Very few of our color tractor there though. Next couple of weeks the Berryville steam and gas meet starts thats a big one. I always try to go there. Ive never taken any displays though. Just like to sniff around and see what others are doing and trying to sell. ddh ddh ddh
Tom Deutsch
They've had us excited all week long here in SW Ohio, saying Dennis was coming to sit and stay. They issued flood warnings and everything. So far, has amounted to maybe 1/2", mostly just clouds and drizzle. Just enough to keep the grass from going completely dormant. Still, they keep predicting "today is the day". I washed my convertible, set a bunch of cardboard out for the garbage, carried water to the garden -- usually that stuff makes it rain right away. So much for the hurricane!
we got about 10 minutes of decent rain, didn't do much though. I have even had the nicer tractors of my collection outside, and that didn't help, I guess they're just not nice enough:)
Finally getting some decent rain in Kenosha County, Wi. It has been really dry for about a month now and I purchased tickets to Country Thunder and it has rained the first 2 days of the concert. With possibility to rain the rest of the week.
Well,If we could have a day of no afternoon thunderfloods, maybe I could get back in the yard! I live in a flat spot with little drainage on top of a hill, and all the rain we started to get because of my car washing and flower bed watering has the yard soggy. I'll need triples or more to hold a tractor up in the soft clays out there. I can barely walk in the higher spots!! As for the forecast? Afternoon and evening thunderfloods for the next week or so. I will get a chance to put the new blades on this weekend. May not get to use them for a couple of weeks, but, when it dries a bit, I'll be ready!
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