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got a 14 hp kohler with no fire going throught spark plug . with in line test light i can ground the end that that clips on the spark plug and the light will light up each time the points break. this is the third new spark plug. anyone ran across this before? JJ
Yes -- I've had a few spark plugs with cracked porcelain, fresh out of the box, and others that were simply defective for some reason -- nothing visible, but simply wouldn't work... I'd suggest you test it with a known, good used plug....
kent i did try a plug that i knew was good and the same thing happen. JJ
Pull the head and look for carbon.
Check the flywheel keyway. Mine was broken and the timing was off enough to not spark the plug but would light the tester.
Flywheel key should not effect spark on a kohler, unless it has the trigger module thing, in that case, I'd switch to points. Im not exactly sure what your problem is, could the condencer be bad?
Try cleaning the points with either a point file or emery cloth. If that doesn't solve it, replace the condensor. Dirty, fouled points will usually make the light work, but not a spark plug. I quit using the test light when I borrowed one from a buddy and found nothing good about the light, as it gave false readings such as this. I still prefer and use the old method of holding the end of the plug wire close to ground and turning the engine over several times. For those plug wires with recessed connectors, slip a Philips screwdriver into the plug connector and hold the shaft of the screwdriver close to ground. Need to be in dim light, sometimes to see the spark, but it always works if you indeed have fire.
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