Ronald Hribar Posted July 13, 2005 Posted July 13, 2005 I'm finally getting around to mount a vacuum system to my 7117 with a 48 inch deck. The system is the blower mounted on rear lift and driven by same pto as the mower deck. The housing that mounts on the discharge of deck , has a bottom plate that is above the level of the blades. Is this the wrong housing for this deck? It would seem to me that it would plug up easily. I'm planning on adapting a garbage can style collection system instead of a trailer. I may have to add weight to front of tractor to keep it on the ground
D-17_Dave Posted July 13, 2005 Posted July 13, 2005 You might have to add some front weight but I but you'll have good traction w/ them bags full.
SmilinSam Posted July 13, 2005 Posted July 13, 2005 The bottom of the boot that goes on the deck should be under the guard at the mouth of the deck. The bottom of the boot on mine almost drags the ground when mounted right.
Ronald Hribar Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 That tells me that I have wrong boot. Mine is made out of plastic, but I thought I seen some made out of metal. The one I have must be made for a shallower deck. Does anyone have extra boot? Also need hose adaptor for blower intake.
Kent Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 My plastic one for a 48" deck doesn't quite go all the way to the bottom of the deck, but the metal one I have for a 42" deck does. The vacuum sucks so strong that neither one causes a problem.
JP Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 I concur w/Kent. They're REAL strong 'sucker doobers' (My wife's term...) I don't see the need for the 'turbo' & Plastic or metal it'll suck your socks off! LOL JP
Ronald Hribar Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 I'm going to try it then. I know without vacuum hooked to the boot. The 48inch deck with gator blades does not throw grass consistently thru boot. But if vacuum is that strong. it may work well . I'll give it a try. Thank you for advice.
KVANDY12 Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 My vac. is the peco rear mounted with the bags, for my 914AC.holds about 10 bushel of leaves. I have never used front wts. of any kind to vac leaves. The ownly time the hoses stop up is if small branchs get in the hose cross ways and stop it up, or a lot of green grass. Sure beats the heck out of having to rake with a rake.
JJ MARSHALL Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 [img]/club2/attach/jj marshall/910vac 002.jpg[/img] This is how i fix the vac on the 910 i do not have to use a trailer and the 910 is heavy enough on the front that i do not use weight JJ
Ronald Hribar Posted July 14, 2005 Author Posted July 14, 2005 JJ what are you using for connection between blower and deck? I was looking at PVC also but what we have at work is 12 inch. Also your boot on the deck looks deeper and bigger than mine.
Guest Posted July 14, 2005 Posted July 14, 2005 I'll try to post some pictures of the adapters I have tomorrow. I have the plastic one I ordered from Jacks: 177045 ADAPTER PLATE AS $63.94 48" adapter and plate assembly. I also have a metal one I got when I bought my 990619 vacuum. I am painting and scrapping all these parts the past three days. I ordered the belt I need and expect to get it running in the next week or two. I only have a few hurdles in adapting the cart I have from a newer Simplicity vacuum to the older unit. I can't wait to see how this vacuum works, the bearings on the vacuum feel in excellent shape so I bet it's going to really pickup well. We'll see.
JJ MARSHALL Posted July 15, 2005 Posted July 15, 2005 RONALD it's some kind of plastic tubing that came with the vac i did not buy it new. the black tubing with the elbow could be a factory item. the adaptor that fit the vac . they make them for 6 inch pipe and 8 inch.also the adaptor the fit the deck also are 6 inch and 8 inch JJ
ZippoVarga Posted July 15, 2005 Posted July 15, 2005 Just felt like telling a story about my yard vac. When I aquired it, it had numerous issues. My mother........being the pecimist at the time yielded an opportunity for me to have a little fun at her expense. I got the unit in operational condition and made just one pass. Then i went into the house and said, ya know.....that yard vac sucks. Seeing in her eyes I knew that I had gotten the desired response. Then I told her to look out side. I think I am still damaged from the chase through the house. And along the same time frame my mother had a small issue with her dryer. Hers was a gas dryer and the house was set up for electric. So, while I was taking care of the many other issues with new home ownership I found my self at the hardware store. I saw green sheathed cable with a tag on it that read.........Clothes line! So, I bought 60 feet of the green stuff, clamps and clothes pins. On her arrival home from work that evening I told her that I got her dryer up and ready. She promptly walked to the kitchen to turn on the clothes dryer only to find out that it did NOTHING!!!!! Then she waltzed back in to the den and said, hey!!!!! It's not working!!!! So I then again.....pointed out in the yard in the direction of the clothes line dryer that I had installed. Just a couple of those priceless moments in the life of!!
Guest Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 Here are two adapters, one old NOS and one new NOS: The new one is 48", but I'm not sure the size on the old one (metal). BTW: This is the vacuum getting prepped for the fall pickup:
Ronald Hribar Posted July 26, 2005 Author Posted July 26, 2005 I think I need the metal one. It looks deeer than other one. The new one is the one I got and it is not deep enough. IF the steel one is for sale and 6 inches between top and bottom, I'd like to buy it. Leaving for Texas tomorrow. Going tubing down the Frio River and then back to Houston to welcome a new Grandaughter ON Aug 4th
Guest Posted July 26, 2005 Posted July 26, 2005 Ron, wasn't posting this to sell, but I'll keep you in mind if I do. I was only hoping to help show the differences and provide original pictures of parts to the club members/tractor enthusiasts. Actually I am hoping that the metal one is for a 42" deck so that I can switch between decks. If it is a 48" and the plastic one works, I may look to sell the metal one... all depends on what I get working. I'm still waiting on a belt from my supplier and have some more painting to get done.
Ronald Hribar Posted July 27, 2005 Author Posted July 27, 2005 Looking at unit on E-Bay that is deep enough, will see if price is right. After going thru entire post, realize I have same bagger unit as JJ Marshall. I've used my setup 3 times, I have some leakage in collection area. I would assume by haveing the blower so close to storage that there is a lot of pressure there. I also noticed that deck sounds like a vacuum cleaner also. It seems to work well. no more clippings in flower beds.
Ronald Hribar Posted July 27, 2005 Author Posted July 27, 2005 Lost boot on E-bay so may fabricate one of my own.
snapper1650 Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 quote:Originally posted by Ronald Hribar I think I need the metal one. It looks deeer than other one. The new one is the one I got and it is not deep enough. IF the steel one is for sale and 6 inches between top and bottom, I'd like to buy it. Leaving for Texas tomorrow. Going tubing down the Frio River and then back to Houston to welcome a new Grandaughter ON Aug 4th Bring yer shorts and tanktops. It's a little warmer down here right now...LOL Heat index warnings for 105-116...8D
Guest Posted July 27, 2005 Posted July 27, 2005 Ever see a Allis Chalmer's sweeper? This has been my vacuum for the past two seasons. It actually works fairly well. The trick is to drive in circles so the grass goes in one location, then turn off the deck and pick up the bulk. It eliminates the clumping and leaves some grass on the lawn. [img][/img]
UCD Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 Michael Could you please reduce your pictures to 640 x 480 size so they will fit the screen making it much easier to read the posts Thank you
Guest Posted July 28, 2005 Posted July 28, 2005 Maynard, I'll trim these up watching the pixels and see if I can make them clear ASAP. Michael - Thanks. P.S. I must have been frustrating some people for quite a while because I've never seen a problem - I've got a big wide many pixel screen. I use Microsoft Photo Editor and reduce by 45% and that's how I get my photo's to get under the 100K limit never looking at the pixels.
Guest Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 Well here's 640x500... a little long, but better probably. So this machine is running, but I'm noticing a huge power loss when running the vacuum and the 42" deck. Now, I am just testing out this deck and perhaps some cleaning up oiling, greasing, tuning, of all the attachments will gain some power... but I went from flying w/my 48" deck to really slow with a 42" and vacuum... ouch! I use to cut my whole 1 acre lawn (minus house/garage-s) in a 1/2 hour... not at the speed of this 12hp machine.... any ideas? does look cool eh?
Kent Posted July 29, 2005 Posted July 29, 2005 The two most demanding jobs for the 10 - 16HP engines seem to be: 1. Snowblower in deep snow at WOT 2. Running vac, mower deck and pulling cart simultaneously at WOT Noisy, drinks gas, a bit slower, but does a good job...
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