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Got the Legacy XL delivered last night

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Oh boy, yesterday could not come quick enough. 6:45 pm the truck rolls up. Right off the bat I'm thinking "what was I thinking? this thing is HUGE". I am impressed with the "heavy-duty-ness" off the machine. Everything looks different (and bigger) when it's parked in my driveway. Fires up the diesel - very quiet. He starts showing all the controls which I already knew from watching the video a million times. (Hurry up! Let me ride the thing!) What a joy to ride. Seat is comfy, plenty of legroom (compared to a 912H), and the side by side control pedals are fantastic. Much easier to use than I had expected. It got dark quick last night, so I only got about an hour of seat time. Some initial observations: - The bucket has decent capacity in scooping and lifting, but I have to learn to drive it better and more efficiently. - The hydro tranny under stress (almost stalling) makes frightening sounds until you get used to it. - The 60" deck is very heavy. And super quiet. Seriously, it is barely audible over the engine. Hit a stick and you get a minor clunking. hard to describe, but very satisfying. - The hydro clutch comes on so smoothly, it's almost eerie. - The loader goes on and off amazingly easy. I will mow the complete lawn and get some quality hours in this weekend, and continue the review. So far, I love this thing. Randy
andy, I will say it first, PICTURES :D I know you will enjoy it, I look forward to your review.
Hope you enjoy it for many years
Congrats on your new fine purchase. I'm sure I speak for at least a few of us in saying I'm totaly jelouse. I do agree with Carl in that we need some pics. Have lots of fun, Dave.
Randy, I hope the payments seem low for the value. Note to self. Cool word for personal dictionary "Heavy-duty-ness". I agree on that. Just to bad it doesn't look more tractor-ish rather than an orange BMW-ish roundy curvy. I bet the wife will want it for her own and you can keep the 912H, lol. None the less You bought it sight unseen if i have read your postings correctly. Your risk is probably very low on longivity.
Do you live in Northport Long Island???
That sounds great for you Randy...but how are the rest of us supposed to enjoy "our" new tractor if you don't post pics?;):D
Glad to hear you got your new toy.Post pictures when you get the time to .You will be very happy with your tractor. What is not tractor looking about the unit? The tractor looks like a tractor is suppose to look.
patrician12, yes, Northport L.I. I see you're in Mattituck. I spent summers on Knollwood Lane on the creek when I was a kid, and my new wife just sold her place in Jamesport. Beautiful country out there. A few pictures: This is the first scooping I had done the first night. I took the deck off after mowing and spent some quality time in the loader seat. I moved one big pile of mulch onto another big pile of mulch, now I have one real big pile of mulch. [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/randyny/DCP_2127a.jpg[/img] Here it is between the other two guys. [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/randyny/DCP_2136a.jpg[/img] The overgrown brush in the background will be an ongoing clearing project. The Legacy has impressed me more than I expected. It sounds like a normal tractor - the frightening sound from my first post was because I was just above idle (for quietness - it was getting late). Running at normal engine speed makes operation so much better. Scooping, scraping, dumping, uprooting small trees/bushes, is all wonderfully easy. The motor has plenty of power and doesn't bog down under load, spinning all four tires. This machine is solid! This area is what I cleared out this afternoon: [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/randyny/DCP_2138a.jpg[/img] I can't overemphasize how great the foot pedals are. Works exactly as you would expect, soft touch for no load, more effort required when working hard. This tractor has laughed at obstacles that stopped the Cub dead. Granted, the Cub is 2wd, but it weighs a few hundred pounds more. Later, I got REALLY ambitious and tried to uproot a BIG tree: [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/randyny/DCP_2139a.jpg[/img] Perfect height for loading the F-150: [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/club2//uploaded/randyny/DCP_2140a.jpg[/img] So I have 6+ hours already and I love it. Oh, and it mowed the lawn like a champ. Randy
Very impressive. 8D Looks like a lot of fun was had today.
Here is to many more hours of fun(work).
If your going to continue to root around in the woods I'd get a set of teeth for the cutting edge. Teeth out frount do wonders for breaking up the ground so the full force of the tractor can penetrate the ground. it also allows you to "rake" the dibries and lose the loose dirt. Makes all the diff. in gradeing.
Randy ,Your tractor is very nice.You have impressed me with your pictures you taken of your tractor lifting the stump .
You like that, huh? Actually, (as I'm sure everyone must have figured out) that was a goof picture. That tree - about 30 inches in diameter - blew over in a storm last year. I figured it would be a good goof pic. I can't imagine what size machine it would take to uproot a tree like that. Just trying to keep it light...
I'm orange with envy, becouse green is not a well recieved color here, enjoy.
Originally posted by KVANDY12
I'm orange with envy, becouse green is not a well recieved color here, enjoy.
C'mon, hopefully we're only prejudiced about one particular shade of green... ;)
Mom OH Man Randy I'm jealous. Seriously. VERY NICE! My tractors are kind of like my cars. Never had a new one. LOL
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