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4211 H becomes a 4214 H

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1st thanks to all that answered all my questions. I had my 4211 H with a broken head bolt due to a non-functioning torque wrench. I had tried to drill and easyout it but failed miserably. I found a newer 14HP Briggs with OHC on another website and purchased it, when it arrived the UPS eliphants had broken the starter and oil fitting off. Luckly the sender had insured it and it was packed by a UPS store so the insurance should about cover a new oil pan and starter. I got it installed and was luckey enough to find that the exhaust that came with the engine fits fine. She runs great. I had a turbo vacuume already on her and mowed with her this morning three hours after a 1" rain storm. Mowed great and picked up everything including all the long leaf pine straw. The extra 3 hp really help. I checked the 11 HP Briggs out today and found that with everything removed, I could get to the back of the broken head bolt with some long nose vice grips through the cooling fins a few turns and I could grip the front and out she came. New head gasket and head bolt, properly torqued and she started right up on the bench. It's nice to have a spare. Thanks again for tha help. Mike
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