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New title: 7016H hydrolift conversion

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Anyone care to guess what they're for? Full details to come soon - if all goes well. HubbardRA and biggie*rat are not allowed to guess. Brent

Relief valve to put a hydro lift on a Sundstrand (or Vickers)????
Yes, it's the releif valve for a sunstrand hydro, to add the hydraulic lift. I'm assuming you're adding a hydraulic lift to the tractor.
Brent looks pretty reasonable. Have you ever bought any Honda engine parts. A carb needle valve alone is $25.00. Me thinks you got away cheap.
You guys are too good. Taking the hydrolift off a 917H and putting it on a 7016H. Unfortunately the 917H didn't come with the tranny and all the steel lines. Having to buy those parts. I BELIEVE but since I am not done yet I don't know for sure, this is basically a direct swap. Dimensions from the lift cross shaft under the tractor on back are surprisingly the same. The only thing I've had to fab so far is the pivot point for the lift lever.

Advice to anyone trying this swap: you must swap the lift cross shafts from the newer series to the older series for this to work. You'll discover the need to remove the running boards off the 900 series to remove its' cross shaft and the right hand running board on the older machine to remove its' shaft. You also need to remove the drive shaft in order to route the steel lines from the valve back to the tranny and also to install the donor tractor lift cross shaft. I bet I wasted at least an hour trying to shoehorn things in before I finally gave in and removed the driveshaft - twice. Once for the steel lines then replaced, then one more time to install the donor cross shaft after discover it wasn't going in either until the drive shaft was out -again! More pics and descriptions to come soon. Waiting on more parts to come in from the dealer. Brent
Originally posted by BLT
Brent looks pretty reasonable. Have you ever bought any Honda engine parts. A carb needle valve alone is $25.00. Me thinks you got away cheap.
A starter for my Honda 3813 tractor is $350. That's why it's still sitting out back now.........8) Good thing I got a buddy that wants to trade me a JD mower with a dead Peerless tranny for it. :D
Originally posted by bigcountry A starter for my Honda 3813 tractor is $350. That's why it's still sitting out back now.........8) Good thing I got a buddy that wants to trade me a JD mower with a dead Peerless tranny for it. :D
Wonder if you could use a starter-generator on it, just as a starter...
Brent, Just not fair that you wouldn't let me guess. Think I paid $38 for parts 2,3, and 4. I bored the original plug to accept the spring. Measured the one from the other check valve. By-the-way, I didn't change the cross shaft on my 716H when I installed the hydrolift. Old one works fine after some slight modifications to the cylinder pin mount areas. I used hoses, since I didn't have the steel lines. Didn't have to remove driveshaft. I used the pivot from a 410S, since the pivot bolts into the frame, not welded. Drilled a pivot hole for the tube and a couple holes for bolts.
Well, got the lift lever installed tonight as well as the new check valve and pump connection elbows. Looks like the original 900 series steel lines will fit up just right. Too bad the donor tractor was missing the longer of the 2 short steel lines. Part is still available new but have a lead on used lines from another club member. The shorter line that is just laying there unconnect in the pic is pretty rusty so if I can get both good used from mystery member (waiting on his return email) I'll be sitting pretty. Just hope the control valve and cylinder are good without major leaks. Can't wait to try this out with the Buccateer! Brent

I've been debating whether to try and install hydro on my 7116, instead of the electric lift kit, so maybe I could install a front end loader. Am I correct in understanding that the regular hydro pump is the same as the hydraulic capable pump except for the two brass fittings shown in your last picture? In other words, If I replace the two blank plugs on my hydro pump with what you show in the picture, then I have a hydraulic capable pump? If so, then all that's left is to add all that other stuff...What's stopping me now is the thought that I don't have the correct pump from the very get go.... Looking forward to reading and seeing more. Also, what is that "bucket" on the front of your 7116? You can't see the whole thing, but it's like no bucket I've seen on these pages.
John, In addition to the elbows you have to modify the check valves as shown in these links from an earlier conversion done by HubbardRA. That is how I learned about this conversion. If it works I will be thanking him and biggie*rat for the help with the How-to and acquiring the necessary parts. http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=46227 http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=46227 As far as the bucket goes, it is a "Buccateer" made for Simplicity garden tractors available new maybe 20 years ago. Same concept as the JohnnyBuckets you're probably referring to only this one is more difficult to mount but I expect can lift a little more due to it's shorter hitch. I'll have to search for my previous post on the Buccateer to share that link with you as well. Brent
Here are the buccateer links from previous discussions: http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=49540 http://www.simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=46209
Brent: Thanks for the quick input. And thanks also to the well designed web site. I was looking around for some other stuff, and noticed that you were on line at the time. so I checked it out, and lo! Answers! Thanks again. Now to download these links....
John, it's not too dif. to convert to hydro lift for implements for these tractors, however the tranny pump will NOT run a loader. I hope this doesn't bust your bubble.
John, Dave is correct. You cannot use the charge pump on the hydrostatic tranny to power a loader. The only fluid reservoir is in the tranny. This will supply enough to cover the in and out of the small hydrolift cylinder, but is not enough for the cylinders on a loader. The hydrolift cylinder only has a 4-inch stroke. Also the the charge pump only produces between 600 and 750 psi. To have adequate lifting capability in a loader, you will likely need at least 1500 psi.
Brent, Dave, Hubbard (Ron?) Thanks for the input. Someone in the Classifieds was selling a hydro pump recently, but it was only designed for the 3210 and earlier. My ultimate goal (as of today) is to add a front end loader to my 7116. Whether this will require a repower or not, I'm not sure. I've talked to Al about it, but am hesitant about cutting the frame at this point. I studied the thread where someone added an automotive-type pump in series with the S-G, mounted to the engine with a bracket. Is this the way to approach the problem? Where would the reservoir be? Perhaps I am considering the wrong tractor. I have a Sovereign, and also 3416, either of which which could be dedicated to the front end loader. I can't consider the "buccateer" because I need to be able to load mulch, gravel, and stones into a cart. Perhaps I should start a new thread on this topic? Any comments?
John, I have been looking at building a loader for a couple years, now. I know how I want to do it but have not made any drawings. I was going to use a power steering pump from one of the older Ford or Chevy full-size cars or trucks. In fact, I have a couple in my garage. These usually have a bypass valve built in that is set at around 1500 psi. You can take them apart and change the bypass to whatever pressure you desire. The bypass pressure combined with the pump flow will determine the horsepower required. If you want to use a smaller engine, then you will need to change the pulley ratios to slow the pump down and give the engine more leverage on the pump. This will allow the pressure to be built up, but at a slower rate, making the hydraulics slower. In other words it is a tradeoff between speed and pressure with a specific engine. Since I was going to build the loader myself, the reservoir was going to be built into the crossbeam and uprights, since I was going to build them out of box beam. They will need to be there anyway, why not put the fluid inside them rather than have another tank to mount. Only reason I have not built it yet, is that I also want a backhoe. Been looking around for a good used Terramite that has both. If I don't find one before I decide to retire in a year or two, then I will build a loader for one of my tractors.
Originally posted by HubbardRA
Only reason I have not built it yet, is that I also want a backhoe. Been looking around for a good used Terramite that has both. If I don't find one before I decide to retire in a year or two, then I will build a loader for one of my tractors.
Unless you run across a real deal on a Terramite, you might want to take a detour by Tazewell VA and test drive a Power Trac. Then, even if you don't want to buy new, you could keep an eye on their site for used ones and know what you're looking at... I haven't tried their "real backhoe" machines (14xx or 24xx series) but I'm VERY impressed with the "normal" ones. My "mini-hoe" and grapple bucket should be delivered either tonight or tomorrow morning -- I'm anxious to start playing with them! My neighbor rented a 25HP Terramite to put in his above-ground pool a couple of years ago, and I got a chance to play with it. Capable, but slow if much manuevering is required... and fairly expensive to buy!
Originally posted by JohnFornaro
Brent, Dave, Hubbard (Ron?) Thanks for the input. Someone in the Classifieds was selling a hydro pump recently, but it was only designed for the 3210 and earlier. My ultimate goal (as of today) is to add a front end loader to my 7116. Whether this will require a repower or not, I'm not sure. I've talked to Al about it, but am hesitant about cutting the frame at this point. I studied the thread where someone added an automotive-type pump in series with the S-G, mounted to the engine with a bracket. Is this the way to approach the problem? Where would the reservoir be? Perhaps I am considering the wrong tractor. I have a Sovereign, and also 3416, either of which which could be dedicated to the front end loader. I can't consider the "buccateer" because I need to be able to load mulch, gravel, and stones into a cart. Perhaps I should start a new thread on this topic? Any comments?
You may want to check out this site: http://www.loaderplans.com/
Kent: The loader-Plans site is cool. I've saved it for the time being, and will study it later.
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