patrician12 Posted July 30, 2005 Posted July 30, 2005 I know this seems unbelieveable but on my 5 acres I haven't cut the grass in 4 weeks.Out here on the North Fork of Eastern Long Island New York it hasen't rained in 4 weeks.I work in NYC which is 90 miles west.Days on end it rained but not a drop East.The grass hasen't grow 1/2 inch in that time.Every day I go out to the barn praying for rain so I can get on my A/C S or Simplicitys.You don't know how I love to play with my tractors.Any other members on Eastern Long Island?
Mick14 Posted July 30, 2005 Posted July 30, 2005 I'm on the R.I. coast-Narragansett bay,no real rain here since the end of May,all of the T-storms have missed this area,and the lawns i take care of have all turned brown,and no rain in sight.
cwm1276 Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 While I not near New York, we have been 10" short in the rain department. 3 weeks ago the mower deck came off my tractor and the blade on so I would have some tractor time, yesterday off with the blade, on with the rotortiller. I haven't mowered at all for at least 5 weeks and that was just hitting the high spots. The entire lawn has not been mowed since early May. My advice find other jobs you can use your tractors for other attachments, or a wagon or something.
D-17_Dave Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 Keith, I miss your tractors If they aren't getting enough work out up there then bring them down here and I'll put them and you to work. Nephews getting hitched in a couple of weeks and they plan on haveing the reception at my sister's house right behind me. W/ all the stuff I have around in the yard, PU's, Big Truck parts, stuff to work on, plus all the yard to keep up with and boy I can't remeber when we've had such a wet july. Been mowing twice a wek for most of the year. Between my sister's yard and mine we have around 6 acres to mow and trim. Been giveing my 620 a workout this year. Boy I don't know how I ever got along without it.
firefoxz1 Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 I mowed once in those four weeks here in NE Pa. about a week after we got 1.5" of rain, now it's back to brown again. It's been giving me more tractor restoration time.
Chris727 Posted July 31, 2005 Posted July 31, 2005 As much as I miss having a nice green yard, I don't really miss having to clean the deck and sharpen blades all the time. Its been very dry here in Missouri. I too have been using the extra time to work on fixing the broken tractors, and begining the restoration of an early B10. I would still love to have a good rain here, the farmers desperately need it.
skmcps01 Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 I live on the East End in Shoreham, your right not much rain. My son and I drive our Land Lord 33 10v just for the he** of it.
Nick Posted August 8, 2005 Posted August 8, 2005 I am not on LI, but 60 miles north on NYC. Hasn't really rained much here in 3 weeks We did have a downpour here Thursday, and we had a steady rain yesterday off & on for a few hours in the afternoon. The grass is starting to turn back to green again. I am actually quite surprised our fire department hasn't been called for any brush fires yet. The last drought we had we were guarenteed at least one a day.
AGCO918 Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 Getting brown in Greenville,Ohio.Hope we get some rain soon.
rs07 Posted August 9, 2005 Posted August 9, 2005 I live in upstate New York and we are now experiencing dry conditions here as well. I cut my lawn last Thursday and it may need it again probably around this Saturday, but as I looked at the lawn this evening I noticed alot of brown spots appearing.
BigSix Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 I'm not trying to start anything, and I won't be here to finish it, as I'm headed upstate (NY) for weeks. But has anyone considered that this may be the local manifestation of global warming phenomena? Last year, part of an iceberg the size of Rhode Island (literally) broke off of ice in the Arctic (I forget where) that hadn't thawed in thousands of years. This may be a taste of the future--unless, of course, you get the monsoon-like, torrential rains. Or the rising seas (melting polar ice caps) which could eventually make many coastal areas (not picking on Long Island, here, which is absolutely beautiful!) just fond memories.... In$urance carrier$ have already started setting rates on shorefront properties that reflect current and predicted frequencies of residential damage due to rising ocean levels, and they admitted they based it on their belief that global warming is real.... Just wondered if anyone else was reading the growing mountain of evidence (such as the fact that average global temperatures have increased to new highs virtually every year for the past several years) that global warming is real? For an alarming, but excellent, (and long--16 pages!) article, about evidence like Alaskan houses sinking through the permafrost, for the first time ever, and similar, scientifically-documented facts, see The Climate of Man, parts I and II, in The New Yorker Magazine. Part I came out in the 04-25-05 issue--I don't have a cite for Part II, but the author is Elizabeth Kolbert. She went up there and traveled with the scientists documenting these rapidly-occurring changes. I've mowed our lawn once in 6 weeks, and it's brown, (and no longer than the day I cut it) 30 miles above NYC. We may all be missing more than our tractors one day soon. There's this little problem of whether or not the rising temps could reverse the Gulf Stream and, well, the cover art for the movie The Day After Tomorrow sort of gives that one away: [url][/url] Peter
Tacey Posted August 10, 2005 Posted August 10, 2005 BigSix- Global Warming is undeniable. The question is...what is causing it? SUV's? Industrial Development? Or is it just a natural heating/cooling cycle? Tacey
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