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Briggs Intek V Twin Wiring Diagram

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Need to know what a couple of wires on a Intek V Twin are for. There are four Wires coming from the engine. Red Wire: Power to and from the regulator rectifier Gray Wire: Power to the Fuel Shut Off Solenoid Blue Wire: ???? Black Wire: ???? This engine was originally on a Craftsman tractor of some sorts. Dont know what the Blue and Black wires do. An educated guess is that one of them is the Kill wire. Have no idea what the second is for. Anyone have any knowledge on these?
A quess: Blue wire, if not a second wire for the regulater, would be an a/c lighting circuit and the black the kill wire. I would check a/c voltage on both wires while runningat about 2000 rpm. If voltage is between 12 and 15 it is a lighting circuit, if 24 to almost 30 it is a second regulator lead. If it reads 1-3 it is probably the kill wire.
Sam, from what I can see on my 20hp V twin is the red does go to the regulator, the gray to the fuel shutoff, the black from the harness plug runs up past the coils then to the regulator but there is another black wire that runs from the shutoff that grounds under the right cylinder. The only blue wires on this one are for the lights and the electric PTO. Where does the blue one come out from? Tom, good luck on that lot. I could only dream to pull something like that off - Joe
I know about the black ground from the shut off solenoid. Thats not it. The black I'm looking at runs from the harness plug to under the shroud somewhere. . There are two black wires from under the shroud on the other side of the engine that go to the regulator. Then the one red one that goes back around to the harness plug. The Mysterious Blue wire goes right up under the shroud along side the Mysterious Black one. Both originate at the harness plug. I suppose I'll have to pull the shroud and see where they gho to under there. Not sure if this engine will stay or go to Ebay. Would be alot simpler to put a older single cylinder on the tractor. I also dont like these newer fixed jet carbs.
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