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Can your mower deck do this?

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[img]/club2/attach/kent/Img_0720.jpg[/img] I was cleaning this one up today and taking a few pics, since I've just put it up for sale. Kinda nice to be able to lift the whole deck about 4 feet off the ground. I have that strap on it to keep it from swinging back and forth, while I cleaned the grass out from under it.... It's a very simple, 3-blade, 60" rear-discharge deck. If you look closely, you can see the three arbors, and the one long drive belt that connects them all. I removed the belt covers to clean it. Simple, but heavy-duty -- it's also made out of something like 1/8" steel plate.... [img]/club2/attach/kent/Img_0721.jpg[/img]
Your getting to like that thing to much!!
Originally posted by wilm169
Your getting to like that thing to much!!
Tells you what I plan to be mowing with, though, if I'm selling this mower deck... :D Hint -- it won't be green! :o)
kent what are you asking for that .would you be interested in tradeing for a allis 620 with 5 ft deck in real good shape.my e-mail is wcr611@yahoo.com let me know ok
Originally posted by wilburn
kent what are you asking for that .would you be interested in tradeing for a allis 620 with 5 ft deck in real good shape.my e-mail is wcr611@yahoo.com let me know ok
I'm only selling the mower deck... I'm keeping the tractor.
how about a 48" deck left hand throw with 2" from the front removed, rebared edge, and right side open, no underdeck rollers and top covers off?...brush deck:D
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