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Carb help on Briggs cast 16hp

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I'm having some trouble with my 7116H. I bought it a month ago, and just noticed that there is a plug/cap missing from the back end of the carb just behind the stack for the air cleaner. You can look in the tube and see a butterfly - this does NOT seem like it should be open. Can anyone tell me the carb model/part no? I'd like to find an exploded diagram to see what that carb should look like. Also, the tractor starts to loose fuel when going up hill! related? br, cj
Hi, your missing the welch plug the briggs part number that you are looking for is 690627. go to this link [url]http://shop.briggsandstratton.com/BShopProductListingPage.asp?rsvp=0&PARENTID=0&SessionID=43C7B3A0-6A44-4EB2-B2CC-23B437198A68&MECID=100&CATALOGID=56B2B9A7-283C-11D4-8886-00B0D0203414 [/url] and type in the model and type number and you can get a downloadable parts manual.
Is there also a hole in your valve cover? Some models had a small rubber hose leading from the carb to the valves.
Ray's correct, You're missing the welch plug. I had to replace the one on my 7016 when I bought it. I wouldn't run it too long that way, you're sucking in lots of unfiltered (dirt, dust, pollen etc.) air without it. Not good for your engine. If you're starving for fuel on an upgrade, you may have some crud in the tank, or float/needle valve problems. You didn't mention how long it had been sitting before you bought it. A carburetor rebuilt kit would address all these issues, except crud in the tank. I bought one for about $20 bucks if memory serves. Had to epoxy the welch plug in though, wouldn't stay put any other way for me. My machines both have plastic gas tanks. I've cleaned both out with Dawn dish washing liquid and lots of hot water and used a bent coat-hanger with a rag or Scotch-Brite pad for stubborn dirt. If you do this in the morning and let it set in the sun for the rest of the day, you should be good to go for re-assembly. Use a new gas filter, hose and shut-off valve too...they're cheap enough. Brian
There is a metal screen in the bottom of the tank that can get plugged also. I generally remove this and use an inline filter in the fuel line to the carb.
Here's a past post on this same subject. If your welch plug is missing, the new one might not stay installed for long either. There are some more ideas to keeping it installed. http://simpletractors.com/club2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=33848&SearchTerms=freeze
I lost the welch plug on my B-212. Measured the inside diameter of the opening with dial caliper. Went to NAPA and got an automotive freeze plug the same size. Put a little grease on the ouside enge of the plug and pressed it in. Been there about two years now with no problem.
Thanks again for the help. I tried the site listed, but don't have the 4 digit number to go with the 6 digit code that was provided. As a side note, this tractor was completely repainted - I don't have a ID plackard anywhere! I'm not sure what year the machine is, but was told it was an '85. I was able to order a repair manual for the machine today and that should help alot. I love this site.
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