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front/rear hitch

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Hi, am I dreaming, or did I see a front/rear hitch for sale on here the other day? I am either missing the ad, or it had been taken down. If it sold, how much - I thought the asking price was $125. That is a very cool item - only the second one I have ever seen. Thanks, Tim
Is this what you are looking for? I haven't noticed any listed lately.

I do in fact have one of the front-rear hitches shown. Sorry, not for sale at this time. Sand E Flats
It was in the classified ads but is gone already its was the top one
Yes I had one up for sale and it's pending. If it falls through it'll be back up. The last one I saw went on ebay for around 150.00 I think. I really hate to part with it but as times get tougher, little unused things like that must go.
Good, thought I was seeing things. Good luck with the sale. Tim
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