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Governor linkage

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Were there more than one governor linkage for the 243000 series engines? One two of the engines I have the intakes are quite different. On of them is essentially a right angle and holds the carb (4-bolt) rather low on the engine and parrallel to it. The other intake is shorter and holds the carb at an angle to the engine much higher than on the other one. (Still a four bolt). Any body else seen this? Any idea what the part number for the governer link is?
The short one that I have, which sits at an angle, is a three bolt. It came off a 10Hp. I also have one of the long manifolds with the four bolt on it. It came off a 243431. Can't help on the governor part number. I made my own linkage on two of my tractors, after changing to different type carbs.
The govenor control rod part number that you are looking for is no. 393613 they are the same on the short and long intake or at least on the two 10hp that I have. The differences are in the throttle links.
I think i mis-identified the part I was asking about. I need the one that comes from the governor lever to the carb. Throttle link might be a better term for it.
Randy, I made the one on the B/S 13 Hp that is on my AC713S. I used a piece of coat hanger. Just push the governor link to the wide open throttle position, and push the carb throttle shaft to the WOT position. Fit the link with both at WOT. This should work fine. Not absolutely sure, but I think that is the way I did it. On another engine, I made the link too long (used a small welding rod), so I just used a pair of pliers to put a "Z" in the link to adjust the length of the link. Had to play with it a little, but eventually got it right. They are not too critical, as long as the carb can move from idle to WOT within the motion of the governor link. After installing the new link, the governor should then be adjusted. Take the link loose on the governor shaft. Hold the throttle on the carb at WOT. With a pair of pliers, turn the governor shaft in the WOT driection till it stops. Tighten the link on the shaft in this position. It should work fine.
As Rod said coat hanger & welding rod will work. However, it is better if you use spring steel wire available from model hobby shops. The spring wire is hardened and will not wear as fast although it is harder to bend. My 2 cents,
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