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Snowblower for landlord 101

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Hey guys, I've been around, lurking for awhile. I've got a question... I read a thread where biggie_rat apparently had some suggestions for how to hook up a snowblower with a long-belt system that doesn't utilize the front clutch assembly (for those who don't seem to have a front clutch assembly...) I happen to need more info on how to accomplish this. I've got the tractor, the thrower, and all the mounting hardware, just no clutch... Can anyone help a guy out with a photo or two, ot simple, easy to understand instructions? Thanks for the help!
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Ronald Hribar
This is on the later model tractors and you hook up to the mower deck drive. There is a small hitch that hooks to tractor with two idler pullies on it. Would help you had model number of tractor. And I'm sure someone can show you the correct diagram
Ronald Hribar
Guess I should have read title first. I believe you have to use front pto. May want to adapt electric clutch.
I made a hitch to turn a Broadmoor blower to fir on my 64LL. Instead of using two pulles I uesd one and lower the bottom of the hitch. I run mine of the mid PTO. I'll search my hard drive for some photos, I know I have some. Elon
Sorry guys, didn't realize this info would be necessary... It's a 990350, 1966 landlord 101 with a snowblower of the same era. I have the mounting assembly with the two idler pulleys along with it. I haven't seen anything in ebay or other areas about front pto/clutches being available. Like i said earlier, I found a thread... (http://www.simpletractors.com/club34/topic.asp?ARCHIVE=true&TOPIC_ID=43915) Just wondering if anyone could shed some light on the nuts & bolts of how this would be set up... Thanks again
Originally posted by pleco01
Sorry guys, didn't realize this info would be necessary... It's a 990350, 1966 landlord 101 with a snowblower of the same era. I have the mounting assembly with the two idler pulleys along with it. I haven't seen anything in ebay or other areas about front pto/clutches being available.
On that snowblower, you have a clutch already... it's the part of the hitch assembly with 2 pulleys on it. A clutch rod pushes a lever that in turn pushes the right pulley down, tightening the belt and engaging the drive. Pulling on that rod lifts that pulley up, allowing the belt to go slack and stop turning... A spring and collar on the short rod that pushes that pulley down allows you to adjust the tension on the belt. [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/images/snow_ops/figure_7.jpg[/img] Here's the operator's manual for a similar Allis-labeled one, or you can download the manual for yours from Simplicity's tech pubs site...
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If you have the hitch/clutch, sounds like all you need now is the pulley to run it. Elon
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Kent, Thanks for the reply and photo, although, my mounting hardward with the 2-pulley assembly doesn't include the clutch rod and tension adjustment you mention.
If it's the correct type snowblower, it should have a drive pulley setup similar to what's shown below. If it doesn't, without pictures or a better description, it's hard to tell what you have, much less how to make it work... [img]http://www.simpletractors.com/parts/snowthrowers/2025057_p88.gif[/img]
The thrower is a 1690033 and I can't get the schematic to copy off the @$#!! PFD page! It doesn't have the clutching mechanism that is pictured in your diagram, Kent. I either need to aquire that type of mounting assembly (which would be the easiest way to hook-up and mount the blower) or figure out how to drive it off of the rear or mid-PTO rigging that would ordinarily drive the mowing deck(which I've removed- mowing deck, that is...)
Pleco, It sounds like you got a later model hitch, with the two idler pullies. You have the wrong hitch for that tractor if that is the case. That hitch is for the the RBT (running board tractor). You need to find one like Kent has pictured. The drive off the center PTO again is a RBT option. I am sure one could come up with a hitch to work, but was not simplicity made. One person made a longer hitch that placed a pully where mower deck's would be and then ran a secound belt up the blower.
here are a few shots of the Broadmoor blower/Land Lord hitch. It runs off the center PTO of mr Land Lord. Pleco you should be able to make yours into one like mine.

If you look closely you have to lower the bottom of the hitch, to alow the belt to run. It works quite well, however if you dont have a belt gaurd on the blower, it will fall of the pulley from time to time. I need to make one for mine. If you have any more questions, feel free to PM me oe just send me an Email. I hope this helps. Elon
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