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Tractor Eyesight Test

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I brought this home last night. I spotted it at about 150yrds in a field along a desolate road. Yard shopping again. I got somewhat excited. I found the owner and she said to just take it. It has many issues. The picture is in my small and cluttered yard at about 40ft distance. Take a guess at what model it actually is. Was it a disappointment or is it something that no matter how much money it takes, it will run again? I have a closeup that will answer the question but not yet.

I'm thinking its an earlier Gilson or Wheel Horse, leaning towards Gilson due to the white deck.
I'd say a Wheel Hourse with the chrome muffler. Looks to have a right side discharge deck but that could be from scratches and scraps. That wouldn't be a Lomb. diesel would it??
I'm going to guess, Simplicity, AC, Wards, Deutz, or Homelight, Wheelhorse, Gilson, JD, or a Jacobson, Massey, Ford, Cub, Bolens, or a MTD.............did I miss any??? I like to cover all my bases:o)[ Elon
I'll say Wheel Horse also I'm betting Dave blew up picture. But I'm thinking 4 cylinder gas engine
Elon, you've nailed it on the head :D:D Not a diesel and not a 4cyl - The faded orange and hubcaps caught my eye but not as much as the bugeye headlights did -
So when do we get to see an up close shot??
Massey? but you said faded orange so I'll have to really quess Jacobsen.
Originally posted by Jovee
Elon, you've nailed it on the head :D:D
For some reason I knew I would!!!:D Elon
Elon, that's like mowing the yard with weed killer ain't it? lol
Originally posted by D-17_Dave
Elon, that's like mowing the yard with weed killer ain't it? lol
What ever works, right? lol Elon
Heres the rest. From the distance I saw it I had happy visions of my very own 101 LL. Maybe even a Broadmoor older than the 3 I have. Free free free. Well, after I got the greenlight to take it I walked up into the field to see what the new prize was. The closer I got the more disappointed I got. Almost left it there but the folks were very nice about it. Chris727 actually got it. Its a 1970 Gilson S-14

The engine is a Briggs 14 and is beyond repair. I figured I would pirate some parts and sell off the rest of the useable stuff. Its supposed to have a good hydro and electric lift. But the more I look at it I think I can save it. What would you do?
I think if you put some of those hub caps behind it on it then you'd be almost restored.lol
I picked up a Gilson G16 a year or so ago. I robbed the 16hp briggs off it and have been trying to sell it ever since. Mine has the tiller and a rear discharge deck. I think you got a good deal for the price. Almost anything is worth having for free.
Originally posted by D-17_Dave
I think if you put some of those hub caps behind it on it then you'd be almost restored.lol
Do ya need any? ;)
Do ya need any? ;)
LOL, you got any for a 620??:o)
As long as it uses the same rims as a 74 Plymouth Satellite -lol
Being a Gilson not sure it's worth saving or else your pretty sure you can sell it. Have a 71 14hp wards I've yet to do anything with. If you part it out I'd be interested in the fan that goes on the hydro.
I will keep you in mind Marty. I will give it the winter to figure out the fate of a few. Too late in the year to start any major projects. About a month of decent weather left here - Joe
If you fix it look at the frame on each side where it widens out at the engine. They commonly crack and break there on each side.
Thanks Sam. Was that a common Gilson problem?
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