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Briggs conversion

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Can you bore out a 10 HP to 16 HP bore and that be all required for it to work? or are there other factors in play?
No. There are several differances. Crank stroke, diff. block, head, carb jet, syncro balance hardware, valve size and cam lift, etc.
I wouldn't do it. The 10 and 16hp blocks have major differences, cooling fins, synchro-balance, and most likely the thickness of the cylinder walls. I beleive the stroke may also differ. The intake valve on the 16hp is also much larger.
Oh, if it only it were true...the untapped possibilities of that 427 out in the shed...!
Thanks Never hurts to ask.
If that is choice of last resort, the 10 and 16 HP engine have same stroke according to my Briggs crank book. Both engines are dimensionally the same. I think you can get away with same flywheel. The best way is to do a parts comparison. I have both lists. Now will it work? Can't tell you, but I'll bet someone has done it. Could be a little rough at idle without synchro balance. My guess for a minimum parts cost will be for piston, rings and conn rod to convert. You might even get by with same head as I think the head gasket is the same for both. Send me a PM with you home E-mail address if you want them E-mailed.
I've been told that you can bore a 12HP to 16, but not the 10 -- it leaves the sidewalls too thin... Never tried it, but that's what I've heard...
Wasn't there a guy in missouri that was taking motor like a 14hp and making them into 20 hp. I believe I have something on him at home. I'll check and get back to all ya all.
That's like taking a 305 small block and boring it to a 350. Although the stroke maybe the same the cranks are weighted different and you would not have a cylinder wall left or may overheat(Warp) being to thin. Also with the same head the compression would be higher, maybe to high. Most engine only have a maximum of .060 overboring designed into them and small engines possibly only .030.
I believe the head gaskets for the 9 and 10 are the same but not the 16. The 12 through 16 share the same head gaskets. Really the 10hp is sort of an updated 9hp (model 23) I have several models in states of disassembly here and could measure the heads. I know the bolt pattern is quite different.
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