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Unofficial Home of Old Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractors

Which models are similar ???

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I notice there are a lot of requests from members including myself asking what parts could be used on other similar tractors.For example what would an Allis Chalmers B10 be similar to in the Simplicity line. There are small variations such as seats ,tires,decals etc. between a lot of these tractors and I know there are the WHAT FITS pages but could there be a page created to show what Simplicity models are similar to Allis Chalmer models in some of the more popular tractors.At least this would give someone a starting point before they start looking in the WHAT FITS pages. Thanks, Vinnie
Something like this, maybe? http://www.simpletractors.com/X-reference/ac_s_pg1.htm
Thanks Kent I should have known that you had it in the web site somewhere.I tend to get lost in all the valuable information on this web site. Vinnie
Kent next we'll be wanting little picture along side the models to click on to make bigger, like on E-bay. Hay guys thats not a bad idea.
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