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PowerAfull sticker added

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You all remember I added this sticker to my truck a while back:)

Well how about this for the other side of the window? [img]/club2/attach/jkmustang1/powerA.jpg[/img] 8D
Where did you a sticker like that? Need one of them for my hardhat
A vender at the S.C.R.A.P. show. Guy does custom sickers plus You can have a license type plate done too. Only $2.50 for small power A. Real nice hard to see on window is small black letters under the A. AC is spelled out.
Originally posted by jkmustang1
A vender at the S.C.R.A.P. show. Guy does custom stickers plus You can have a license type plate done too. Only $2.50 for small power A. Real nice hard to see on window is small black letters under the A. AC is spelled out.
What ever happend to the T-shirts . I have been waiting on the ordering info for months. I was told when they had enough to order that they would. Did we not get enought to order?
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