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AC 720 loader question....


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Hi All...Hoping someone can identify this loader for me, Every loader I've personally seen on a 720 had a bucket that wasn't "rounded" but it had all straight angles on it-this loader I have has a bucket that is curved in the back. I'm just curious what kind of loader I have or if it is an Ark Loader but with a different bucket? I'm not real good on posting pics but I do have a picture of the loader at http://members.aol.com/mjaxn82361/ac720loader This loader also has a couple arms on top which I believe turn it into a self leveling bucket as well...then it has a whole set of brackets in farther in case you don't wish to use the self leveling feature. This bucket needs alot of work so I am thinking of building a new bucket like the common one but not sure I should do that. I'd also appreciate it if someone has measurements for that loader bucket...I can be reached at mjaxn82361@aol.com or I check here regularly...Thanks much!
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Here you go Mark. I'd too say it's a Kwik-way loadrer. Looks to be in decent shape. I'd go for the self leveling feature if I had the chance. The box blade and trailer you have there aren't bad looking either. Also, welcome to the club. Look around the site and do some searches on your fav. topics. There is a lot of info on these fine machines and a lot of people interested in helping with any problems you might have.

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Thanks much D-17 Dave for posting that picture up here for me! I wish computers were as easy as old tractors to use! Thanks also for the kind words--this was my first post but I've been bumping in and out of the site for a long time now-it has helped me out tremendously! Been into the tractors for a very long time but this is my first AC 720...quite a tractor and it's been fun to work on! I'm looking forward to getting the loader up & going-but I've got the tractor 100% apart right now so it'll be awhile. This loader is very unique I thought since it has the self leveling brackets and if you don't want the self leveler you simply move the bucket cylinders in to the inner set of brackets....not something I've seen before, but I'd agree, the self leveling is the way to go. Thanks again everyone, it's very much appreciated.
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Hey Bees', Yep! I have one available. Don't think it's self leveling. Looks like an ARK mostly, The bucket seems to be a LOT more beefy. JP
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