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looking for old engine parts sure is frustrating


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A while ago I posted about an old sickle mower that my neighbor and I had found. I have been trying to find a points plunger for the engine. It's a little wider then what's on the Briggs engines that's on many of our tractors, so that can't be used. He really wants to keep it original that's why he is looking for one. We went to about 6 local dealers in a 25 mile radius and were told they would get back to us if their distributor knew if it was still available. I hadn't heard anything so I assume it's NLA. so I decided to going online and contacting a few dealers who specialized in older Briggs parts. Two of the Three I contacted never contacted me back at all. One had told me if he would let me know either way if he had one available or not. I hadn't heard from him in two weeks so I decided to do a follow-up email and that one seem to be ignored. My thing is shouldn't someone at least acknowledge you to let you know if you do or don't have the part your looking for? Oh and BTW, If anyone has a Points Plunger or at least a part number for a Briggs Model "A" Type 208055, Serial # 58794, Please let me know.
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He could install one of the points replacement modules, then plug the plunger hole. Wouldn't be noticed with the points cover in place.
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P/N is 65414 and Briggs web site shows NLA. I don't really know if an electronc trigger would work with that old of magneto. At one time the the whole magneto ass'y (29068)could be bought for $10.00, which included the plunger.
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Nick, check this website out http://www.bser.com/. The guy has a lot of stuff that is NLA I bought some rings from him that are NLA thru Biggs. If you email him it takes hime a while to get back to you but he may have what you need.
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Thanks Guys. I tried getting him to switch over to electronic ignition but he won't go for it. Bob, that part number came in handy. I found one on ebay. Thank you. BTW, would you happen to have the part number for the points? I know he has a new condenser but he still isn't getting spark. Ray, Bob's small engine was the first person I tried to contact. a month later and still no response.
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Originally posted by wilm169
Nick there is a guy in ILL. that goes by BRIGGS NUT on ebay that has a lot of older stuff.
He was the one who said he would get back to me and never did, I did the follow up email wehich was ignored. I don't care for the way these guys do business.:(
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Originally posted by Nick Ray, Bob's small engine was the first person I tried to contact. a month later and still no response.
You can always try to call them they have a number posted on their site.
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Nick, PM me with your E-mail address and I'll send you the tune portion of an old book before you hop off the ledge looking for points.
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