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Angle your plow sitting down!!!!

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Two hours of fun in the weld shop. I made a spring loaded quick release angle pin you can operate from your seat pretty cool check it out8D Can't wait to try it, all I need is snow




Cool idea.Nice job on it and nice looking B1 too.Let us know how it works out.Tony
am I missing somthing? How do you angle the plow? I like the release mechanisim, but am confussed how you do it? Elon
Originally posted by ehertzfeld
am I missing somthing? How do you angle the plow? I like the release mechanisim, but am confussed how you do it? Elon
To angle the plow, Pull the release cable and use a snow bank.I was going to make some kind of handle to move the blade but I think it will work fine. It'll sure beat getting of the tractor.
Nice work. What kind of cable swaging tool did you use?
Roy this is a pic of the crimping tool. It works well for securing hitch pins and clips to equipment

That is a very good idea you have there.
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