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Unofficial Home of Old Simplicity & Allis-Chalmers Garden Tractors

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Hi, One of the guys provides me with tech support on my projects has a 1050 Bolens with no deck he wants to sell. Can anyone help me on other sites that might be a place to advertise it? More on a site like this not e-bay. Would just like to offer him some options. Thanks in advance. Al Eden
Al, The only site off the top of my head of the moment is Yesterday's Tractors classified section. http://www.ytmag.com/cgi-bin/clasquery.pl
You can also try here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BolensGTractorClassifieds/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BolensTractorsClub/
http://www.lawncafe.com/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=25 Heres a site that is a very good (Not as good as Simpletractors) Its is big and deals mostly with the lawn business.
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