bluecap24 Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I have read several post of people that are using the washer fluid in the tires, but no where do I see an explanation of how they did it! How much is needed for the different sizes. Anyone have any long term results such as changing tires and inspecting rims that have had fluid? Is it better to put it in a tube? I want to try it, but how do you get the fluid in there? I also don't want to ruin a good set of rims and tires! Thanks :)
UCD Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 Do a seaech on Fluid, Loaded tires, ect. there is plenty of info avail.
bigdog46 Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I used my snowthrower for about 2 hours this morning for the first time this season with new ag tires filled with windshield washer fluid and they did great. Last year I had turf tires, wheel weights and chains. The fluid filled ag tires are much superior in my opinion and do not scratch up the drive like the chains. My tires are 23 X 8.5 X 12 and they held approx. 7 gallons of fluid each. I had tubes put in my tires at my local tire store and they installed the fluid into the tires for me. Any of your local tire stores that service farm tractor tires should be able to do it for you.
hdrhdr Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 Look in the Tech Tips & Articles section. Randy
stevei46 Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 heres the link
dhardin Posted December 9, 2005 Posted December 9, 2005 I just filled my AC416 with 10.5 x 12 terfs. Each wheel took almost 7 gallon. 14 gallon cost $15.00 totaling about 115 pounds. I have a old stainless steel fire extingisher that was a water presurized tank type, it has a air chuck on top of the tank. It holds about two and a half gallons at a time. I got the tire filler unit at the fram supply or around her its call Big R, $8.00. You really need to have some kind of pressuer to push that much w fluid in the tire. I dont have tubes. I filled the tank sealed it and put my compreser air chuck to the top of the fire extingisher and a little air and then pressed the triger on the fire extigisher and in she went. Installed my chains and I had a lot of fun pushing the fresh 6" of snow we got this week. I adped my blade last year and modified a old set of 4 link chains to a 2 links. I had a set of V-4 link that fit a truck. I added then to the tractor 4 link. I was a little conserned of a some tire spinning that accured last year. Tire spinning with V-links can do some damage to nice concret walk. So I added washer fluide this year and had no problems with tires spinning. well worth the hour and a half it to to remove load and remount the tires.
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