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Springtime found in the winter

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Another lucky day,in the right place at the right time. I got this stuff for free. I think I'll make some use for it in the spring

Nice find,Very nice price,Nothing is better then free.
That cinches it....I live in the wrong place!!! The only thing I ever got for free, it cost me money to get rid of. Good for you Paul...I'm just a little jelouse!!
disc to get any wok outta it. Bend the arms in equally on each side so it fits the tractor hitch, then drill a hole or two in the rear lift so you can use a link rod like the new style OEM sleeve hithes. This isn't my sleeve hitch but here's a shot of what I did on my LL and 725 that shows the rod hooked in the rear lift. I used to have to use lift rods too, this is Much nicer.

Thanks Marty, I just whiped up something quick today to see if it would work.I like the pics of that setup I'll probably do something like the pic. Thanks again
Nothing like and early Christmas. How did you manage to get that stuff for free?????
Those are almost new! Thats a great deal! I have both of those implements myself. Regular price when home depot had them was $169 for the disc and I think $150 or so for the box blade. And I thought I got a deal getting the box blade for $75. One thing I noticed about the box blade is that when you pull it angled to the left or right, take the scarifier bar out because it will cause the endcaps to bend out.
Originally posted by Roy
Nothing like and early Christmas. How did you manage to get that stuff for free?????
A friend of a friend new a lady that bought a lawn tractor with these attatchments, But had no use for them.My name got mentioned, And there I was, 3 mile round trip.I just love when things like that happen!!
" A friend of a friend new a lady " Got any more of those?? ;)
Looks like christmas came early for you in a big package.Great find you got there and hope you get some good use out of them.Free is the Best stuff you can get.
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