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7016H Sovereign front PTO clutch questions

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Just bought a snowblower for a 7016H Sovereign with the 16 hp Briggs and have installed the front PTO. The parts list and the the snowblower owner's manual show a small spacer (which I have) installed onto the crankshaft before installing the clutch driving disc(the one keyed to the crankshaft). However, if I install that spacer, everything seems to be too far forward. I have everything put together right now without that spacer and the the belt is lined up properly, the throwout fork for the clutch works properly and the large washer at the front of the crankshaft that compresses the spring fits right into the little cutout in the hood. If I installed that first spacer, I believe the hood wouldn't close. What am I missing? Also, one more quick question..when using tire chains, there is very little room for the chains to clear the center PTO. Is it wise to remove some of the outer pieces of the clutch and hang them on the wall until mowing season or do most people not worry if the chain hits it once in while. THanks in advance.
I think there are different spacers, depending on whether the PTO is mounted on a Briggs or Kohler engine. You may have the incorrect spacer.
According to the instructions that can be downloaded from the Simplicity site, the PTO clutch set-up is the same for Briggs and Kohler. That is for the 1" engine shaft size. The Briggs and Kohlers have a different set of holes the bolts go though that pivot the release mechanism. You also need a different bolt to attach the spring. I have the instructions at home will try to post link later today. GregB
Dan, I just spent two weeks installing my front clutch on the exact same machine. I too thought the same thing when I was installing it. It just didn't look like there would be room. First, make sure you install the spacer correctly so that the end with the indentation slips over the raised area on the shaft. Then, follow the instuctions in order. Once you install the sleeve, it DOES appear that the hood will not close, but once you crank down the capscrew and compress the spring, it will give you an extra inch at least. Of course, do not strip out the capscrew by turning it too tight, but the spring should compress a good deal to give you the extra room. Also, do not make the same mistake I made. Make sure the clutch has plenty of material remaining or you will get it installed only to have it slip. Please feel free to e-mail me off line and I will give you my phone number to walk you through it. elhekkers@yahoo.com
Here is the link to the installation instructions, it helped me a lot when I mounted my PTO clutch on my 716H GregB [url]http://www.simplicitytechpubs.com/6767PRINT/PDF_files/TP_200_4066_00_SK_SMA.pdf[/url]
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