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Stack Mufflers

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Out of curiosity, and as an idea to quieting down my single cylinder briggs, do stack mufflers have to point up? Or can they be mounted horizontially or angling downward. Thanks in advance, Mike
They can point anywhere you'd like them to -- as far as how they operate. However, putting them so they don't interfere with something or blow smoke/exhaust where you don't want it becomes the challenge... As an example, I've had to "fine tune" the installation of the stock Briggs cannister mufflers a couple of times because they pointed down too much in front of the tractor and would blow dry leaves all over the place... Someone here has shown pictures of putting a short, stack-type muffler up in front of the grill and mounting it cross-ways so it pointed toward the other side of the tractor.
I tried a stack muffler on my 3112 and was not happy with it at all. All the exhaust fumes came right into my face when mowing.
You can find stack mufflers that will get above your head, or add a pipe to em' to gain some height. This too will help get the sound above you. However I don't think they do as good for sound as the older canister orriginals. They give those good ol' Briggs a tone all their own.
The stock muffler on my 7116 is about the best noise supressing device I have seen on any machine. On a hard pull mowing, the mechanical noise from the engine is more prevelant then the exhaust noise. It is not the true exhaust silencer you see on buildings but it is not my 3112 coming down the street and my whole neighorhood knows it is me.
If you go to a stack don't forget to support it properly. If left to hang on the head like the stock ones do, it can break out of the head casting.
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