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Number please, 36" snowblower?

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Can someone please tell me the Simplicity part number for the older 36" snowblowers that fit the 1965 Landlord 101? I have the number for my 42" blower (1690032) but I'm using a hitch and belt engagement assembly from a 36" so I need both manuals. Thanks, Jim
Well, the 990311 was the 36" one for the 1964 models, so it should be close: http://www.simplicitytechpubs.com/6767PRINT/PDF_files/TP_400_1258_00_AT_S.pdf
Thanks Kent, I did some swapping for the belt assembly for mine. It looks different from the manual you sent. Mine uses only one belt to come down off the motor pulley and forward to the blower pulley. Now I'm wondering if my hitch and belt engagement assembly is from a newer 36" blower? Does anyone have a number for one that uses a single drive belt?
Sorry, I didn't realize that one was for a 3-belt blower. Try this one for MFR 990345: http://www.simplicitytechpubs.com/6767PRINT/PDF_files/TP_100_1269_00_AT_S.pdf
Use MFG# 990345, 990519 36" Snowthrower Landlord, Sovereign, Baron & B Series There are 3 belt #'s listed for it belt# 106689 length 55.5" belt # 106769 length 56.1" belt # 1721533 length 56.1"
Ronald Hribar
Under the hood of my 7117 it lists same belt for 42 or 36 inch blower. Maynard,s post has 3 different belt numbers but 2 of them are same length. Is there some other difference in the two belts? thickness, width or construction?
I just bought a # 106769 about a week ago, but based on the amount of dust on it, it could have been an obsolete part... :D It was the last one they had in stock. Also bought a 56" Gates "green belt" at the same time for a spare... I still put the old, dusty Simplicity belt on, since in my experience it'll still outlast the Gates belt even if it is old....
Thnaks gentlemen! More questions...... The 2nd manual looks just like my hitch and pulley group. My local automotive dealer sells Goodyear Green Outdoor Power equipment belts made to take the twisting and serpentine abuse. I'll pick up a couple 56" ones on my way home. I can't imagine the 1/2" one way or the other is that critical. I changed back to original size pulleys on motor and blower. I still need to make the belt stops that bolt to the front of the tractor. Tractor has the tapped hole there already. Some bent 1/4" rod from an old box spring should work, (it seems tough and work hardens when I bend it.) I'm assuming the original ones were 1/4" but let me kow if that's wrong please. I'm still a bit unclear on the return spring. What's it for? I don't have one but I do have quite an odd assortment of saved springs to choose from. It looks from the picture in the manual like the bottom end attaches to the backside idler pulley bolt. Where does the top of the spring attach? I'm also missing the 106660 belt guard assembly. Is it needed? The 42" blower just has a small rod right over the pulley lengthwise of the groove. Now that I changed the blower pulley from 7 down to 5" I guess that won't work but I wonder if I could make a different one from my 1/4" rod that comes close to my smaller 5" pulley. Any advise? Thanks in advance. Jim
Maybe on the newer blowers they went to a rod for the lower belt guide, I don't know. Here's what the ones on my 36 and 42 inch look like'

Pretty sure the old 3 belts had them on two, as I have a few of them kicking around I could mail you one if interested. It's staying warm enough to go dig one outta the snow. The spring you asked of to the best of my limited knowledge holds the clutch pulley up when disengauged and hooks in a notch in the top of the hitch bracket.

That spring pulls the idler pulley up, so all the slack in the belt can be around the crankshaft pulley on the tractor -- i.e. it will be clutched when disengaged. Without that spring, the weight of the idler pulley will pull the belt down onto the crankshaft pulley, and the belt will "creep" if not run just like it's engaged...
The gates belts won't last, they are only good as a cheap spare if the Simplicity belt does brake. No matter what Gate's says they will not stand up to the abuse the Simplicity belts do. The top of the spring attaches on the cross bar of the hitch you should see a notch for it. You should be able to get by without the belt guard on the 5" blower pulley but it should be easy to make one.
I have the 42" snowblower and was wondering if the return spring pictured by MPH goes in the same location? My spring was disconnected when I bought snowblower and am not sure where proper hookup is supposed to be. THANKS
I was dead wrong about the belt gaurd on the ole 3 belts. Was robbing a shute turning handle to use for a clutch handle today and looked, totally different animal. Looks like I have a couple extra blade hitches though, looks too be the same anyway. Confussed as to why one would want to run the blower at an angle??
I also noticed from the picture MPH posted that my 42" snowblower that the idle pulley bracket & return spring are on the opposite and to hook the return spring to where it is pictured, the clutch rod is in the way. I purchased this used, so is it possible that it got turned around or do I leave it as is?
To all who have contributed to my education with this thread a hearty THANK YOU! Especially Marty, Ron, Maynard and Kent. (superior beings all) I haven't lost interest, I'm eager to get back at the project but I work full time during the week and have no access to computer to respond on most weekends so it's slow going. (I owe I owe so off to work I go.) Things I definitely didn't know and learened include: Weight on the back can be used as counterweight as well as provides more traction. I do need the belt gards around the motor pulley. Correct use and purpose of return spring. What the belt gard on the blower pulley is supposed to look like and do. What number to use to find a manual from Simplicity. What size belt to tune everything to. Why my blower wouldn't disengage and threw it's belt everytime I tried to disengage it. Again, thanks! I'll post again, next time hopefully with pictures of a working snowblower. Jim
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