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16hp Briggs problem?

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Hy guys, I just put a rebuild kit in my carb on a 16hp Briggs cast iron single. It ran great for about 5 minutes. With the throttle all the way up it wants to rev up and down. I spent about 3 hrs trying to adjust the carb with no results. I am thinking I may have messed up the govenor linkage, does anyone have a picture of the throttle and govenor linkage I can see, to see if I got it wrong? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Neil
Do a search on Governor linkage There are several pictures posted Also check out the Simple tractores site there are some there to.
Thanks Maynard, I had done several searches but came up empty. After your post I found out why. I was spelling it wrong! Thanks for the help and the spelling lesson. Neil
Here is a few pics of my 16HP, Hope this helps you out. Mine runs perfect ,good luck

Neil, I just did a carb rebuild on my cast iron Briggs as well. I found that the specs for the initial needle & idle valves (1-1/2 & 3/4 turns)were way out of whack for the rebuild kit I used (STENS). Final adjustments were about 3-3/4 turns out for the needle valve and 1-1/4 turns out for the idle valve. I think the reason these adjustments are so far off is because the gaskets in the after market rebuild kits are much thinner than OEM. Good luck, Nick
The settings in the specs are initial adjustments to get it running. Every carb after a rebuild or tear down needs to be tuned to the running characteristics of that engine. The gaskets have nothing to do with the engine running settings. Other than one being bad and not sealing. It is more dependent on the machining of the jets.
My experience is that the initial settings are generally pretty close. Normally a quarter turn either way gets 'em purring like a kitty. I think the thinner gaskets under the compresion nuts in the after market kit put the needles closer to the seat, requiring more turns out to get into adjustment. (I noticed the compression nuts went in considerably further on this rebuild than they have in the past)
Thanks guys, it works great now. This was a Stens rebuild kit also. Great pics Paul, that was a big help. I see you have electronic ignition on yours. I got one of those from Bob Tiarks, now I am stareing at it trying to figure out how to put it on. Jeff, both of the needle valves in my kit were slightly longer than the old ones. I wasn't sure they would work, but they did with the help of you guys.
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