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If you could have only 1 tractor?

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If you could keep only 1 of your lawn,garden or compact utility tractors which would it be and how would it be setup with attachments and options? Just curious as to what peoples favorites are.
My AC716H is the one I would keep, with Hydraulic lift, 48 inch mower, homemade garden cart, moldboard plow, modified Sears snowblower, modified Wheel Horse snowplow, modified Broadmoore tiller, liftable ball hitch, 23x10.5 AGs rear and tri-ribs front, and homemade weight bars. Would probably modify my sickle bar mower to work on this one also. Maybe a few more homemade options. I like my other tractors, but this would have to be my do-it-all machine if I could only have one. I would hate to part with my 61 Wards, but it cannot do as much as the 716H.
That would be a hard call to make. Although I like the B 10, B 12, HB 212 and the Prestige, I would have to keep the 917H. It would not be going anywhere.
My only keeper would be my 2010. I have a tiller, deck, light and heavy duty plows, york rake and a cart. Hoping to pick up a loader for it soon also. The Cub, the Broadmoors and the 7016 are all going down the road eventually. I want to keep the 1960's Sears I have coming just because it's in such great original shape and I think it's neat.
Guess I'd have to keep the B-112 because of the work it can do but it'd be a hellva fight to get my 725. The 64 LL wouldn't go easy either with the hydro lift and all.
HB-112 with the 16HP Briggs and Hydrualic lift. Just don't get much better than that....
Probably my B-110 with a 16 horse cast iron with as many attachments as I can gather. I don't think I'll ever get rid of this one. And if I do, it will be for a very very good reason. Benjamin
I have only one running tractor and one project tractor... I would have to keep the sunstar tractor at this point. I would love at some point to get a kubota compact tractor or maybe a ford 1210 or similar sized machine with full hydro everything... Being a large guy the smaller stuff does not exactly feel comfy...
I would Keep the 9020 with Deck, Cab, Snowblower,Blade, Plow, Cultivator and Tiller. The rest I would keep hidden from whoever said I could only keep one. I could build a big, hidden, underground storage facility for the rest. And would be more than happy to store some of the other club members machines untill the evil power is defeated. Merry Christmas, Ken
I would keep my 7117H with hydraulic lift, Kohler Command 18 hp engine, ag rear tires, tri rib front tires, 48" mower deck, 36" tiller, 42" snowblower and 42" snow blade. This tractor would take care of my needs but it sure is nice to have my 7117 Shuttle, my 917H with hydraulic lift and my 916 three speed so I don't have to change implements all the time. Gary.
Hi Hmmm... This is very hard! I like both my Agco Allis 1614H and Agco Allis 1920H equal. I don't think I could pick just one to keep. LOL. Both tractors have there advantages and disavantages, I need both to keep my lawn care bussiness running. My 1920H is great for running the two stage snow blower in the winter time and the leaf vacum system in the fall. The 1920H is also great for cutting the larger properities I take care of. My Agco Allis 1614H is great, because it turns a whole lot shorter then my 1920H and it is great for cutting smaller sized lawns, and "opening up" the larger properties by cutting the areas that the 1920H can't get into. In addition, we do a lot of spring clean up at the local nursing home, that I take care of, and the 1614H is great for pulling my grey utility trailer around with rakes, and other equipment. Plus I don't need to use my 1920H for "light duty" applications, which the 1614H takes care of. I would say I would sell other things before giving up one of my tractors, because right now I need them both. In addition, having 2 tractors allow me to have a "back up" if one of them should happend to go down. My 1614H is also my first tractor, so it means a lot to me, so I can't get ride of it. Take Care Jason B ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Long live the Agco Allis 1900 and 1600 series tractors"
My AGCO 2027 Diesel with 5Ft deck,and loader .I use it all yr around plus it is the only one in existence.I have had rare Allis Chalmers stuff over the yrs but the AGCO 2027 is the rarest.
I do love my HB212, but you wouldn't get my 620 w/ power steering out of my sight unless you parked a truck on me. There still isn't but about 4 people I'll even let get on it.
It seems this is tough question. As every one has a job that it does best! my 700 sets under the steps waiting to get some work done on it. my wonderboy needs to be put back together. the LL waits for spring rakeing, big ten has a snowblower on it. ugly just loves to push trees down or till the ground. and the B-10 loves to mow the yard. Homie waits for an engine transplant. Now as I see it you can't only have one to do all the work!
I would sell the house, move into town, so I could get around on the old Jacobsen 28" riding mower, Use the 085 behind it, for hauling groceries and picking up chicks.
I ain't playin' this game. I'm keepin' 'em all! :D
OK. Tough decision so don't kick me out of here but to tell you the truth it would have to be my 79' Sears GT18. This is bigger,more stable than any other tractor I have. It is the one that fits me the best. It is also all original and I have an original 4000watt generator that mounts on it, and electric rear lift. If I would sell all the others I would be able to track down and purchase a few attachments I don't have. Now if I where to keep one just for mowing it would be the 728 Broadmoor.
I've had about 100-150 running tractors come and go in the past 4-5 years and have liked alot of them. Some for different reasons. I currently have a 9020 with tiller and belly deck that needs some shell repair. I'd probably keep this one since it can do the most physical work.
Of my 36 or so running tractors I would probably keep the B-12 Allis with the hydraulic lift. I have more attachments for my Allis and Simplicity tractors than my other brands. The B-12 wasn't my first Allis but it was the first one I had to take pretty much all apart and swapped a bunch of parts to get it up and running. It came as a parts tractor with a 2010 Simplicity I bought and the 2010 would probably be my second choice to keep.
Hmmm.....Eva would say we'd keep her 17GTH with hydro and hydraulic lift, but I'd lean toward either the all original 3012 with the original 48" deck,32"tiller with extention kit, 46"heavy duty blade,10" breaking plow, front and rear counterweights,rear and belly mount cultivators and rear wheel weights(all bought with the tractor from the dealership I work for as a set)or the Big Ten with the 16hp Briggs. Without a doubt it would be hard to single out just one to keep.
712H,with a blade,snowblower,and 42" mower.I can handle about any job around here with that one.Hafta get that Kohler rebuilt,though...
My large frame Allis would have to stay. Its an AC B110, maybe I'd drop one of my 16hp briggs in it, with 10" AC plow, Brinly/Simplicity combo Tandem disc, 36" rear tiller w/10 in. extensions, 42" mower, 46" HD front blade, brinly box scraper, brinly cultivator converted to a "row maker", agrifab lawn sweeper, argifab spreader, bradley spike harrow, Simplicity spring tooth harrow, Simplicity cultivator, and a lawn cart. That should keep me playing for a while.
Of the three I have...AC 610, AC 716H (there's an interesting story to this one...see the 'show and tell' section), and the Simplicity Sovereign. It would have to be the Simp., because it's the only one that has hydraulic lift. As far as attachments for it I already have a: dozer blade, scooping bucket, snowblower, mower deck, tiller. culvator, trailer and more to come as I have time to fabricate them.
I'd keep my 3416H with front blade, 48" deck and tiller. It handles everything around here just fine. But hey, who's gonna check if I have just one? I'll find a place to hide the rest, or keep them behind the neighbors barn or...
If I could only have one tractor? I WOULD DIE !!!!!!!!!!
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