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Allis Chalmer finds new home.

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I just picked up this Allis Chalmers 716H today. The motor burns and leaks oil.:( I do not know how the old guy I got the tractor from,cut the grass with a seat was not bolted to the rear fender.:D

Looks like the mower deck has a new shell not original shape.

Karl [url]www.simplicityva.com[/url]
Good luck with it. Hope it turns out to be a good find.
Except for them funny looking things full of holes on each side that's a good looking style of tractor. Any idea if the hydro is good?
Nice score! Must be a seating problem nationwide,a few of the one's I've picked up either are missing seats,or have those fiberglass seats like you see in bowling alleys.
Originally posted by MPH
Except for them funny looking things full of holes on each side that's a good looking style of tractor. Any idea if the hydro is good?
Them be RUNNING BOARDS MARTY !!!!!!! Aint they purdy ????? lol ken
Not a bad looking tractor you have there at all. A motor rebuilt and a restoration should care of it for you.
Originally posted by vfd702
Originally posted by MPH
Except for them funny looking things full of holes on each side that's a good looking style of tractor. Any idea if the hydro is good?
Them be RUNNING BOARDS MARTY !!!!!!! Aint they purdy ????? lol ken
They look like extra iron too me......LOL:D
Guess if a guy were to collect enough of them there 'running board' things, one could weld them together and make a top soil shaker outta them. Looks like they'd get all the big rocks out.
Originally posted by MPH
Guess if a guy were to collect enough of them there 'running board' things, one could weld them together and make a top soil shaker outta them. Looks like they'd get all the big rocks out.
Hope it turns out to be a good find. With no cushion it probabally rides like a log cart.:D
I got the mower deck off the tractor yesterday,the closer I looked at the mower deck more cracks I found....so I stripped the deck down & scrapped the mower deck metal.the original exhaust pipe broke on the engine...cast iron is harder to get out of the exhaust port. I got no work done on the tractor today because of the rain..no room in my shop for tractor right now.I would have to some clean up to make room.[this is not the fun part];);) I have two AC 716H tractors,# 1 has a broken axle tube,with good engine. # 2 has engine that burns oil & leaks oil,and stalls after it gets hot. Between two tractors I will make one tractor,when I get there.;) karl [url]www.simplicityva.com[/url]
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