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new eng. for 4040

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am in proccess of installing cckb to replace ccka in my 4040. is there anything special i should be looking for? also iam renewing all the wiring from dash to eng. if i make an error in the stator or reg. wiring am i sc---ed? i do not have a good wiring diag. for the kb.but only issue seems to be ign. side of coil. the ka had two wires,"ign. side" the kb has only one. am at computer now and forget why this was important while in shop. need laptop to reference site in garage. also could someone point to proper oil, air. hyd. filter #'s. have gone by last users in the past, but some guys will use whatever fits. was very happy to have found replacement eng for my machine and am looking forward to plowing in a few weeks. am planning to put spare 2 way john deere plow rite on orig. plow frame that came with tractor. i have 2 spool and plan on running hoses rite in squre tube frame.
Joe, the wireing on the engines compares like this. The ka coil is fed from a leg off of the regulator. The kb is fed directly from the switch. The differances should be under the engine shroud and the tractor plug should run it on either engine if no one has changed anything. Did you get the regulator and rectifier w/ your replacement engine? If not, the chargeing circut will simply put not be functional. Also the stator's between the ka and kb are not the same. If playing w/ the wireing is in order, I'd take the time to ohm everything out and trace each wire so as not to hook up something incorrectly and fry something. If you'll search the forums under filters I'm sure you'll pull up one of the several threads Gary has w/ the filter #'s listed. His user name is MIKEFOX. Also, follow the instructions for looking up a pdf manual off the simplicity site and on the last page it will give you the wireing diag. for both the 4040 and 4041. The mager diff. between tractors being the ka or kb engine's. As for the 2 spool valve, I'm not sure what your application is or how you plan on plumbing it up, but be carefull. Hydraulics are plumbed a certain way for a reason. I'd hate to see you blow your charge pump.
Oil Filter for Onan CCKB 19.5 HP Part Number: S3600, STP Part Number: 85516, Car Quest Part Number: 51516, WIX UPC Number: 765809515161 Style: Spin-On Lube Filter Service: Lube Type: Full Flow Media: Paper Height: 4.828 Outer Diameter Top: 2.921 Outer Diameter Bottom: Closed Thread Size: 3/4-16 By-Pass Valve Setting-PSI: 8-11 Anti-Drain Back Valve: Yes Gasket Diameters Number O.D. I.D. Thk. Attached 2.734 2.430 0.226 Simplicity, 4041, 9020, AC 720 Transmission filters: WIX, 51307 Car Quest, 85307* NAPA, 1307* *Above manufactured by WIX. Onan's air filter equivalent: My local Baldwin supplier quoted me a price $21.08. Baldwin's list price is $47.92. Onan's air filter, 140-1071, crosses to Baldwin, PA2347.
You might want to notch the hood flange where it passes over the CCKB air filter housing.
thanks Mike for the filter info. copied rite into manual. am not good at the forum search yet. my reply promts were missing since i posted this,so could not respond until repaired. do i need to look up baldwin on web or can you elaborate, maybe they are affiliated or something? thanks again.
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