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AC 312 year

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All, Thanks again to all who responded with info to my previous post. I picked the old girl up today and she is in better condition than I thought. I am in need of some help though. I would like to try and determine the year she was made. There have been some modifications done to it, mostly cosmetic, that may or may not be factory. First and foremost are that the head lights are not mounted in the front grill as pictured in the brochure or the gallery of other people's 312's. They are mounted on the sides like the B series and it looks like a factory job plus there is the addition of a rear light and tail lights. Once I get my dues in I will post some pics but am very curoius as to how to determine the year. It's super powerful and started right up after sitting 2 years in a garage. Any info would be great!!! thanks, Bob
According to my books the 300 series was only made one year 1971 the 400 series two years 1972/1973 The 3 years Allis chalmers was seperatred from Simplicity because of Anti Trust Laws.
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